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Davide Borchia

Davide Borchia


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Physicist by education, scientist by vocation. He holds a master’s degree in complex systems physics with a specialization in quantum technologies. If he is not reading something, he is outdoors trying to enjoy every bit of nature around him. He uses his memory as an advantage, and everything you will read from him contains at least one “I read about this five years ago” moment!

Areas of expertise

  • Physics

  • Material science

  • Cryogenics


  • University of Turin, ItalyMaster's degree in Complex System Physics

Professional background and credentials

Since his young years, Davide has been passionate about science. He spent countless hours exploring the night sky, tinkering with electronics, or experimenting with chemistry in his mother’s kitchen. His choices in education reflected this passion, starting with a bachelor's degree in Material Science earned after an internship at the Italian Institute of Metrology (INRiM) where he focused on experimentation on quantum devices. ​​ During this first experience, Davide developed a closeness to physics, which led him to enroll in the Master's Degree course in Complex System Physics, where he refined his mathematical and computational skills. He continued his work on quantum devices, gaining skills in experimental physics, cryogenics, and numerical simulations. He cooperated with his university e-zine, writing about science and environmental topics, combining his passion with his writing skills.

Featured in

  • AI is like a very tiny hamburger; The efficient frontier

  • Star Wars Day: Calculator helps fans plan movie marathon this May 4th - this is how it works; The Standard

  • El punto más alejado de España en toda la Tierra: a 20.000 kilómetros y literalmente en las antípodas; Xataca

  • How Many Ounces In A Gallon (Oz to Gal Conversion + Chart!); The Simple Veganista


  • Fasolo L, Borchia D, Enrico E. Magnetic Flux Sensing Exploiting Two SQUIPTs Connected by Means of a Floating Island; IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity; Aug 2021

  • Abunassar L. 2023 Oscars Inclusion List Reveals Academy's Dreadful Level of Representation; Los Angeles Magazine; Mar 2023

  • Borchia D. Il lungo viaggio del James Webb Space Telescope; Il giornale degli studenti de UniTo; Jan 2022

  • Borchia D. La corsa (segreta) alle nuove materie prime; Il giornale degli studenti de UniTo; Oct 2021

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