Lumber Weight Calculator
Our lumber weight calculator makes it easy to determine the weight and volume of your lumber. By using the lumber weight formula, you can calculate the weight for various wood types. Simply select the wood type from our lumber density chart, input the dimensions, and enter the quantity. You will instantly receive accurate measurements for single pieces and the total for multiple pieces.
Lumber vs Timber
Lumber and timber are terms often used interchangeably but have different meanings. Lumber refers to wood that has been processed into beams or planks and is ready for use in construction. Timber, on the other hand, generally refers to trees or wood in its natural, unprocessed state. Once the timber is cut and prepared, it becomes lumber.
A fun fact: in the UK, timber is commonly used to describe what Americans call lumber. Whether you're building a house or crafting furniture, this difference is essential for anyone working with wood.
Our lumber weight calculator helps you determine the exact weight of your lumber, ensuring you have the right amount for your project. However, if you're looking for more timber-related tools, please check out our specialized calculators that will calculate a tree's value, height, and age!
How to calculate lumber weight?
Calculating the weight of lumber involves a simple formula:
weight = volume × density
The dimensions of the lumber determine the volume. When we multiply its length, width, and thickness together. Density, which varies based on the type of wood, is a measure of how much mass is contained in a specific volume of material. Different types of wood have different densities, so it's essential to know the type of wood you're using. For instance, oak is denser and heavier than pine.
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How to use our lumber weight calculator
As we explained earlier, lumber is wood processed into beams and planks. It is commonly used in construction and furniture making. We designed this lumber weight calculator to help you determine the weight and volume of rectangular pieces of lumber, such as beams and planks.
To use our calculator, follow these simple steps:
Choose the type of wood — Select the wood type from the drop-down list. Different woods have different densities, which affect the weight.
Enter the dimensions — Input the width, length, and thickness of a single piece of lumber. These measurements are usually in inches or centimeters, depending on your preference.
Enter the quantity — Specify the number of pieces of lumber of that size. This information is used to calculate the total weight and volume.
Once you've entered these details, the calculator will automatically display the weight and volume for a single piece of lumber. It will also display the total weight and volume for all the pieces. This makes it easy to estimate how much lumber you'll need for your project and understand the load you'll be working with.
Our calculator simplifies the process, ensuring you have accurate information for your construction or woodworking projects.
Lumber density chart
Understanding the density of different wood species is important for weight calculations. Below is a chart listing the densities of various types of lumber in pounds per cubic foot (lb/ft³).
Species | Density lb/ft³ | Species | Density lb/ft³ |
Alder, red | 46 | Maple, red | 50 |
Apple | 55 | Maple, silver | 45 |
Ash, green | 47 | Maple, sugar | 56 |
Ash, Oregon | 48 | Oak, black | 62 |
Ash, white | 48 | Oak, Cali. black | 66 |
Aspen, quaking | 43 | Oak, English | 52 |
Bald cypress | 51 | Oak, live | 76 |
Basswood | 42 | Oak, pin | 64 |
Beech | 54 | Oak, post | 63 |
Birch, paper | 50 | Oak, red | 63 |
Birch, Yellow | 57 | Oak, scarlet | 64 |
Butternut | 46 | Oak, white | 62 |
Cedar, incense | 45 | Osage orange | 62 |
Cedar, western red | 28 | Pecan | 61 |
Cherry, black | 45 | Persimmon | 63 |
Chestnut | 55 | Pine, loblolly | 53 |
Chinaberry | 50 | Pine, lodgepole | 39 |
Cottonwood | 49 | Pine, longleaf | 55 |
Elm, American | 54 | Pine, ponderosa | 46 |
Fir, Douglas | 39 | Pine, slash | 58 |
Fir, noble | 29 | Pine, sugar | 52 |
Fir, white | 47 | Pine, white | 36 |
Gum, black | 45 | Poplar, yellow | 38 |
Gum, red | 50 | Redwood coastal | 50 |
Hackberry | 50 | Sassafras | 44 |
Hemlock eastern | 49 | Spruce, Red | 34 |
Hemlock western | 41 | Spruce, Sitka | 32 |
Hickory Shagbark | 64 | Sweetgum | 55 |
Horse chestnut | 41 | Sycamore | 52 |
Larch | 51 | Tamarack | 47 |
Locust, black | 58 | Walnut, black | 58 |
Locust, honey | 63 | Willow | 32 |
Magnolia ev. | 59 |
How do I calculate the weight of lumber?
If you're wondering how to calculate lumber weight, just follow these instructions:
- Measure the dimensions (width, length, and thickness) of the lumber.
- Calculate the volume by multiplying these dimensions.
- Determine the wood's density (check a density chart if needed).
- Multiply the volume by the density to get the weight.
The result is your lumber weight!
What is the weight of a 4×4 inch piece of oak lumber, 6 feet long?
A 4×4 piece of oak lumber that is 6 feet long weighs approximately 45 pounds. For this calculation, we use the average density of oak, which is 67 lb/ft³ (lumber weight per foot).
Using the lumber weight formula, we multiply the volume (1 cubic foot) by the density to get the weight.
How much does a standard 2×4 piece of lumber weigh?
The weight of a standard 2×4 piece of lumber depends on its length and the type of wood. For example, an 8-foot-long 2×4 made from pine typically weighs half as much as a piece of oak of the same size due to the fact that oak has a higher density.
What factors affect the weight of lumber?
Several factors affect the weight of lumber:
- Wood species — different types of wood have different densities;
- Moisture content — wet wood is heavier than dry wood;
- Dimensions — the length, width, and thickness of the lumber determine its volume; and
- Treatment — lumber weight per foot is affected by pressure used in the production process.