kPa to psi Conversion
Our kPa to psi conversion tool quickly and easily converts pressure from kilopascals to pounds per square inch and vice versa. Even better, you can use it to convert pressure into any unit you need!
Kilopascals to psi conversion may seem easy, but it has stumbled many people before and likely will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. We promise to keep it brief, so read the article below and arm yourself with crucial knowledge, like the kPa to psi conversion factor.
How to use kPa to psi conversion tool
Here is a quick guide to help you access our kPa to psi conversion calculator easily:
- Enter the pressure in kPa.
- The calculator will instantly perform kPa to psi conversion and display the result.
Like every tool at Omni, you can perform the calculation the other way around - use pressure in psi to calculate pressure in kPa:
- Input the pressure in psi.
- The psi to kPa conversion happens in the blink of an eye, and you can see the answer immediately.
💡 Tip: Clicking on the unit name will open a dropdown list of other pressure units to pick from! When you want to enter a value in a different unit, first change the unit before feeding the value.
Kilopascals and pounds per square inch
Kilopascals (kPa) is a multiple of the pascals (Pa), the SI unit of pressure. One kPa is equal to 103 Pa. It is used to measure pressure, stress, and elastic modulus. In Canada, meteorologists use kilopascals for weather reports.
Pounds per square inch (psi) is still used to measure pressure and stress in countries that use Imperial or US customary units, including the United States. One psi is the pressure caused by a pound-force load acting on one square-inch surface.
kPa to psi pressure conversion
Now that you're familiar with these units let's deal with kilopascals to psi conversion. The kPa to psi conversion factor is 0.1450377. So when converting pressure from kPa to psi, we must multiply it with 0.1450377.
For example, 40 kPa pressure in psi would be:
Now, let's consider how psi to kPa pressure conversion works. All we need to do is divide the pressure in psi by 0.1450377.
For instance, if the pressure reads 150 psi, the pressure in kPa would be:
Other tools
Enjoying our kPa to psi conversion calculator? We have loads of similar pressure converters that you may appreciate:
How do you convert pressure from kPa to psi?
To convert pressure from kilopascals (kPa) to pounds per square inch (psi), follow these steps:
Find the pressure in kilopascals.
Multiply this value by the conversion factor
:pressure in psi = pressure in kPa × 0.1450377.
You can skip this tedious calculation using our kilopascals to psi conversion tool.
How do you convert 210 kPa to psi?
210 kPa pressure is equal to 30.4579 psi. To calculate this kPa to psi conversion, follow these steps:
210 kPa
with the kPa to psi conversion factor0.1450377
:210 kPa × 0.1450377 ≈ 30.4579 psi
Verify the result using our kPa to psi conversion tool.