Deadline Calculator
Our deadline calculator is the perfect tool for the timely filing of legal documents. That's not all - it will also help you with every single timed activity in your life that needs your full attention.
Use our court calendar calculator to find our the exact day of your legal deadline. We thought about everything - our tool automatically corrects deadlines that fall on Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays!
Read on to find out how to calculate court deadlines both before a date and after it 📖
How to use the deadline calculator
In order to use the legal deadline calculator and to find out how to calculate court deadlines, you'll need to take precisely 4 easy steps.
Find out what's the start day of your deadline:
- The default value is the current date. If you received your letter/decision today, you don't need to do much — just move ahead to the next step.
Choose whether you want to input your period in days, weeks, months or years.
Enter the number of days/months/weeks/years provided by the decision/document:
- For days: write only with integers — our future date calculators do not accept halves or quarters of days.
So, let's take a quick look at how to calculate court deadlines. These are the periods most commonly used in litigation deadline calculators:
- Medical malpractice — 1 year from the injury discovery;
- Written breach of contract — 4 years;
- Verbal breach of contract — 2 years;
- Harassment, discrimination, retaliation (employment issues) — 90 days; and
- Hour & wage violation (e.g. unpaid overtime) — 3 years.
- Make sure if your deadline is before or after the given date:
- Choose the proper option on the calculator.
We will display your result in the "Deadline" field. 📅
- Check if the deadline is on a Saturday or Sunday by pressing the calendar icon.
- Check these dates as to whether your deadline falls on a federal holiday.
Try our other time-related tools:
How to count days for court deadlines
Always carefully check your deadline calendar - even the best legal calculator requires a double check.
If you want to know how to count days for court deadlines (and all other deadlines), here you are. The most natural formulas used in our court date calculator look as follows:
"After" deadline = Start date + Days
If the deadline falls on a Saturday, you need to add two more days (+2) - your corrected deadline should happen on a Monday;
If the deadline falls on a Sunday, you need to add one more day (+1) - your corrected deadline should also be on a Monday; and
If the deadline falls on a federal/state holiday, you need to add one more day (+1).
"Before" deadline = Start date - Days
If the deadline falls on a Saturday, you need to subtract one more day (-1) - your corrected deadline should happen on a Friday;
If the deadline falls on a Sunday, you need to subtract two more days (-2) - your corrected deadline should also be on a Friday; and
If the deadline falls on a federal/state holiday, you need to subtract one day (-1).
With that knowledge and our deadline calendar you should now be able to answer the question "How to count days for court deadlines?"
Deadline calendar — a list of federal holidays
The federal holidays to be aware of:
Fixed date:
- New Year's Eve;
- 4th of July;
- November 11th - Veteran's Day; and
- December 25th - Christmas Day.
Date that changes according to a given year:
- 3rd Monday of January — Martin Luther King, Jr.;
- 3rd Monday of February — President's Day;
- Last Monday of May — Memorial Day;
- 1st Monday of September — Labor Day;
- 2nd Monday of October — Columbus Day; and
- 4th Thursday of November — Thanksgiving Day.
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- Do you need to calculate the doubling time?
Check the
if you're looking for any additional answers that we haven't provided in our legal date calculator.