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Debt Payoff Calculator


Table of contents

How to choose the best debt repayment strategy: making a debt repayment planDebt snowball vs avalancheHow to use the debt repayment calculatorDisclaimer

Use the debt payoff calculator or debt repayment calculator to explore how to pay off debt using different debt repayment strategies. After setting your target, this device will provide you with all relevant details for your given debt payoff strategy. You can check, for example, how much interest you would pay or what would be your total debt's APR if you aimed to get rid of your debt in the fastest way or merely want to pay the monthly minimum.

Moreover, you can set an optional monthly payment tailored to your financial budget, and you can also compare your results with other repayment options.

What's more, you can check in the repayment schedule table how the loan amortization process allocates your monthly payment between the interest] and the principal.

Read on to see how to pay off debt fast and learn the differences between debt payoff strategies, such as the debt snowball vs. avalanche method. We also explain how you can easily use this tool as a debt payoff planner.

Note that this debt payoff calculator only considers the repayment options of multiple debts (at least two). If you only have one obligation or a loan, you may try our loan repayment calculator

Also, you may consider refinancing some of your loans and employ our refinance calculator.

How to choose the best debt repayment strategy: making a debt repayment plan

Depending on your financial situation or preference, you may set different goals when making a debt repayment plan. The most common debt payoff strategies are the following:

  • Minimum payment: while this allows you to use as little of your monthly budget to pay off debt as possible, it generally results in the highest finance charge.
  • Snowball method: turn to this option when you aim to reduce the number of debts.
  • Avalanche method: this option can help you to pay the lowest amount of interest.
  • Debt consolidation: consolidating your debt may help you restructure and simplify your monthly payments, providing more beneficial interest charges with shorter repayment terms or lower monthly payments.

Debt snowball vs avalanche

The main difference between debt snowball vs. avalanche is that the snowball method prioritizes debt elimination over a lower interest payment.

In other words, when you get rid of one of your debts, or you have some spare money to put towards debt repayment, the snowball method allocates the extra money for the debt with the lowest balance, while the avalanche method uses it on the debt with the highest interest rate.

Therefore, while with the avalanche method, you pay the lowest amount of interest, the snowball method allows you to reduce the number of debts faster.

How to use the debt repayment calculator

Follow the instructions below to apply the debt payoff calculator to your preference and financial situation.

  1. Number of debts: For the first step, you need to set the number of debts you have. Note that the maximum number of debts is six and that you must have at least two debts to apply the debt repayment calculator.

  2. Debt specifications: Provide the debt balances with their related interest rates and monthly payment amounts. Note, that the monthly payments you set should be the required minimum, and we suppose that you can always increase the monthly instalments.

  3. Repayment specification

In this section, you can set your aim for debt repayment:

  • Pay the minimum amount monthly;
  • Reduce the number of debts — snowball;
  • Pay the lowest interest — avalanche;
  • Consolidate with a new monthly payment; and
  • Consolidate with a new payoff term.

If you choose the consolidation option, you need to set the interest rate of your new consolidation loan and the new monthly payment or payoff term.

  1. Payoff summary

You can read the main details of your preferred debt payoff strategy and compare the result with the minimum payment method.


You should consider the debt payoff calculator as a model for financial approximation. All payment figures, balances, and interest figures are estimates based on the data you provided in the specifications that are, despite our best effort, not exhaustive.

For this reason, we created the calculator for instructional purposes only. Yet, if you experience a relevant drawback or encounter any inaccuracy, we are always pleased to receive useful feedback and advice.

Debt #1

Debt #2

Repayment specification








Monthly payment




Payoff term

29 months

22 months

-7 months

Total payable




Total interest




You may have to scroll the table horizontally to see everything.

*We estimate APR using weighted average procedure.

**The total monthly payment gradually decreases as the debts are being paid off.

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