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Net to Gross Calculator


Table of contents

Net vs. grossGross pay vs net payTare vs gross weight vs. net weightGross profit vs. net profitFAQs

The net to gross calculator helps you see how much an amount will be worth after we add or before we deduct a tax (look below for an explanation, it can be a bit tricky). As with all Omni calculators, you can input values into the fields in any order, and the calculation will still work fine. We have, however, created a gross to net calculator, which may be a bit more intuitive. In either case, it might be a good idea to read the net vs. gross section below to understand the difference between net and gross and why gross pay vs. net pay may be calculated differently than gross price vs net price.

Net vs. gross

As mentioned before, net is an amount before we add the tax (when the tax is added to the base amount, as with VAT or sales tax) or after we deduct it (as with the income tax). This distinction is very important.

Consider two examples:

  • You are a shop owner, and you sell a huge chocolate bar for $40. The sales tax or VAT (doesn't really matter in this case) is 25%. The gross price would be $40 + (25% × $40) = $40 + $10 = $50. Net price is $40, gross price is $50 and the tax is 25%.
  • You perform a job, and your gross pay is $50. The income tax is 20%, so your net income is $50 - 20% = $50 - $10 = $40.

In both examples, we had the same gross and net amounts, but the tax percentage turned out to be different. This is all down to how, in the first example, the net price was the base for the tax calculation, while in the second one, the gross amount was.

Gross pay vs net pay

The general distinction is simple — gross pay is the amount before taxes are applied. When they are, we have a lower amount — a net wage. The mechanism may be different from country to country; in the US, medical, dental, life insurance, and 401(k) payments are handled by the employer and are calculated at an earlier stage. In Poland, on the other hand, the difference between net and gross salary is much bigger — an employee needs to pay social security (split into medical, disability, and retirement insurance), which is often higher than the income tax itself.

Tare vs gross weight vs. net weight

These terms come into play when packaged goods are considered. Net weight is the goods alone, the weight of the container (a box, jar, or a truck) is called the tare, and, finally, the gross weight is how much everything (your jam and the jar) weighs. This net to gross calculator isn't really meant to be used to calculate weight, as the calculation is a simple addition: net weight + tare = gross weight.

Gross profit vs. net profit

Gross profit's definition is clear — it's sales revenues minus cost of goods sold. Sales revenue is the figure after customer discounts, returns and allowances are factored in. It's often expressed as a percentage. You may calculate it with our profit margin calculator. It's only a partial measure of profitability, as it doesn't contain other costs (marketing, office upkeep, etc.).

Net profit, on the other hand, is a full measure of profitability — all costs are accounted for. That's why it's often called the bottom line.


What is tare weight?

Tare weight refers to the container's weight. Whenever someone acquires a product, from canned fruit to a car, the product often comes in a container, be it an envelope, bag, or shipping container. The weight of a container has to be defined, so the client doesn't end up paying for the container. The weight of the product without the tare weight is known as net weight.

What is gross profit?

Gross profit is the amount a business earns after subtracting all costs of goods sold. It is an important financial indicator used to determine the gross profitability of a business operation. It shows the extent to which sales cover the direct costs of producing goods.

What is net profit?

Net profit is the company's earnings after removing all cost of goods sold (COGS), overheads, marketing expenses, and even taxes. You can consider it as the money you can pocket at the end of the business transaction.

What is gross price?

Gross price refers to the total price the customer pays for his product at checkout. It includes all costs of goods sold, selling costs, and taxes. In other words, gross price is the total cost the customer pays to acquire a product.

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