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PSA Doubling Time Calculator

Created by Łucja Zaborowska, MD, PhD candidate
Reviewed by Bogna Szyk and Jack Bowater
Last updated: Feb 14, 2025

The PSA doubling time calculator is a useful method for determining the exact period it will take your Prostate-Specific Antigen levels to double in its concentration.

PSA velocity calculators are potent tools used when diagnosing and discriminating between prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate cancer.

This tool will also provide you with the slope and velocity if you use the "Show slope and velocity" option underneath the calculator.

We try our best to make our Omni Calculators as precise and reliable as possible. However, this tool can never replace a professional doctor's assessment. If any health condition bothers you, consult a physician.

How to use the PSA DT calculator?

To use the PSA doubling time calculator, you need to have taken at least two different PSA level test, and know their results. Choose the two most recent tests and enter their:

  • Dates; and
  • PSA levels (ng/mL).

Remember about the ordering the dates correctly! The older test must always be first.

The PSA calculator can show you three possible results:

  1. PSA level is increasing — the calculator will show you the doubling time.
  2. PSA level is decreasing — the calculator will inform you about it.
  3. PSA level is constant — your PSA concentration doesn't change; the calculator will let you know about it.

Our another PSA method calculator, the PSA density calculations may also be helpful when assessing the risk of prostate cancer.

Interpreting your PSA doubling time

The PSA doubling rate calculator is mostly used for assessing the risk of recurrence, or unfavorable outcomes of the treatment.

Check your calculated doubling time in months:

  • >6 months is a positive predictor - in the case of an illness, less aggressive treatment is recommended, and survival is predicted to be longer; and

  • <6 months is a negative predictor - requires in-depth diagnosis and a stronger, prolonged treatment is more likely.

The slope is a graphic and numeral representation of the speed of the doubling time. The steeper the slope, the faster the rate, and the worse the prediction (click the advanced mode button).

The velocity describes the rise in the level of PSA during a month or a year. The smaller the velocity, the better the predictions (click the advanced mode button).

Single PSA test:

  • Normal level of PSA: <4 ng/mL; and

  • PSA levels over 10 ng/mL require further investigation.

After prostatectomy:

  • A rise of over 0.2 ng/mL is generally regarded as a recurrent cancer.

What is PSA, and why do we bother with PSA doubling time?

PSA is an acronym for the Prostate-Specific Antigen. It is isolated during a blood test. It was discovered for the first time in 1970, in human semen, and it probably thins the mucus and facilitates the route of sperm into the uterus. PSA is a good indicator of a prostate malfunction - its concentration in the blood rises significantly when disorders such as prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or prostate cancer are present.

PSA is produced only by the prostate, and its level rises steadily with age.

However, since elevated levels of the PSA can accompany many different states, the amount of PSA used in screening tests are controversial. Nevertheless, both its concentration and doubling time play an essential part in observation, as well as detecting a prostate cancer relapse.

Did you know?

Another indicator of male's cancer is... their hCG levels, a hormone used in pregnancy tests (visit the HCG calculator for more details).

Prostate cancer and PSA DT info

Prostate cancer is the neoplasm of a small, walnut-shaped organ located in a male's pelvis. It is more frequent in the aged population, and among African-Americans. It is the most common cancer among men in the US. It is the biggest neoplasmic killer.

Prostate cancer symptoms include:

  • Straining to pass urine;
  • Bloody urine;
  • Bone pain; and
  • Leaking urine.

Risk factors:

Methods of treatment involve radiotherapy, traditional surgery, robot surgery, or endoscopic surgery (small, multiple cuts instead of a big, single one).

PSA doubling time calculator serves as a tool to help monitor, and make prognoses of, prostate cancer.

Łucja Zaborowska, MD, PhD candidate
Older PSA test
PSA level
Newer PSA test
PSA level
Doubling time:
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