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Decimal Degrees to Degrees Minutes Seconds Converter


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How to convert decimal to degrees minutes seconds?Here are some angle conversion related calculators:FAQs

With this decimal degrees to degrees minutes seconds converter, we aim to help you convert the angle from decimal degrees to degree minutes seconds.

We have written this article to help you understand how to convert decimals to degrees minutes seconds. We will also demonstrate some calculation examples to help you understand the angle conversion.

How to convert decimal to degrees minutes seconds?

Now, let's look at how to convert decimal degrees to degrees minutes seconds. Let's take 30.51° as an example. There are five steps involved:

  1. Determine the angle that you wish to convert in decimal degrees

    The first step is to determine the angle in decimal degrees that you need to convert. In this example, we are converting 30.51° to decimal degrees.

  2. Obtain the degree component of the degrees minutes seconds: degrees = degrees

    The second step is straightforward. All you need to do is to take the whole number, and put it aside as the degree component of the degrees minutes seconds.

    For this example, the degree component is 30°.

  3. Obtain the minute component of the degrees minutes seconds: minutes = whole number of the decimal component ⋅ 60

    To obtain the minute component of the degrees minutes seconds, you first need to multiply the decimal components by 60, and then take the whole number of that results.

    For instance, the decimal components for our example is 0.51. Multiplying that by 60 will gives us 30.6. The minute component will be the whole number of the results, which is 30 minutes.

  4. Obtain the seconds component of the degrees minutes seconds: seconds = decimal component of minutes component ⋅ 60

    The seconds component can be obtained from multiplying the decimal component of the minutes component by 60.

    Thus, in this example, it should be 0.6 ⋅ 60 = 36 seconds.

  5. Combine the degree, minutes and seconds components

    The last step is just to write all the components together. For our example, this will yield 30 degrees 30 minutes 36 seconds.


Can angle be negative?

Yes, angle can be expressed in negative degree form. For instance, -60° = 360° - 60° = 300°.

What is a radian?

Radian an unit used to measure angles, besides degree. 1 radian is equal to the angle that creates an arc equal to the length of the radius.

What is a degree?

A degree is one of the most commonly used units to measure angles. A full circle is defined as 360°.

How do I convert decimal degrees to degrees minutes seconds?

You can convert decimal degrees to degrees minutes seconds in five steps:

  1. Determine the angle that you wish to convert in degree decimal
  2. Obtain the degree component of the degrees minutes seconds: degrees = degrees
  3. Obtain the minute component of the degrees minutes seconds: minutes = whole number of the decimal component x 60
  4. Obtain the seconds component of the degrees minutes seconds: seconds = decimal component of minutes component x 60
  5. Combine the degree, minutes and seconds components
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