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Beauty Products Calculator

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About the fields in our beauty products calculatorHow does our beauty product calculator work?So... How many applications are in one tube?FAQs

Are you interested in a beauty product calculator to figure out long your beauty products last, so you never run out again?

Unless your name is Nicole Skyes, you probably aren't dedicated enough to put over 100 layers of mascara on your eyelashes just to figure out how long a tube of mascara last. Luckily, the famous YouTuber went through all of this hassle, giving us the answer to the ultimate question:

How many applications are in one tube of mascara?

She didn't stop there, though! Thanks to her commitment, we can now calculate the number of applications in multiple beauty products, including liquid lipstick, eyeliner, or foundation. If, until today, you firmly believed that it's impossible to finish a nail polish bottle, or if your mascara tube always ends when you least expect it, you should give this beauty products calculator a try!

Does this calculator appeal to you? Then you should see our body shape calculator too.

About the fields in our beauty products calculator

This handy tool uses information about your beauty product (such as mascara) to find out how many times you will be able to use it. Unlike the predictions given by makeup manufacturers or influencers, this calculator takes into account your makeup habits, too, providing you with a much more accurate estimation.

In the first step, you need to provide some information about the product, including:

  • Product type. Choose one from the list – it can be mascara or liquid eyeliner, but also foundation, liquid lipstick, or even nail polish.

  • Efficiency. It is the number of applications per one milliliter of the product. Don't worry; you don't have to know this number – our calculator will fill out this field automatically! But if you know a particular product's efficiency, choose the last dropdown option for the product type to enter a custom product efficiency.

  • Product volume. You can find the volume, either in milliliters or fluid ounces, on the product packaging. If you have already discarded the packaging, you can also check the volume on the manufacturer's website.

  • Product price. How much did you pay for the product?

In the second step, you have to tell us something about your makeup habits. The calculator needs two numbers:

  • Number of layers per application. For example, you will usually use only one layer of foundation but at least two coats of mascara or nail polish.

  • Applications per day. How often do you retouch your makeup? Some women can put on their foundation in the morning and don't need to touch it up during the day. Lipstick, on the other hand, requires multiple applications per day. In the case of nail polish, you will probably only need 1-2 applications per week.

How does our beauty product calculator work?

Once you've figured out all the information we listed in the previous section, you're good to go! Our beauty products calculator will now calculate the following parameters:

  • Total number of applications: This number indicates how many times you can use the product before you run out of it. You can also calculate it by hand – we used the formula below:

    N = efficiency × volume / layers per application.

  • Cost per application: This number tells you how much money each application of the product costs you. For example, every time you retouch your Kylie Jenner lipstick, you are "spending" 13 cents! You can calculate this value as follows:

    cost = product price / N

  • How many days the product will last. Our calculator gives you quite an accurate prediction of when you'll need to replace your product. You can compare the number of days with the product's expiration date to check whether you'll be able to use it all up. To find this value, we use the equation:

    days = N / applications per day

Naturally, this result is just an estimation – the actual lifetime of your product will depend on its consistency and the thickness of the layer you apply, too. Nevertheless, the prediction will surely give you an idea of how many applications of a product you're actually buying.

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So... How many applications are in one tube?

To give you a quick overview of what our calculator can do, we created a step-by-step example for a tube of mascara.

  1. In the first step, we chose the mascara we wanted to analyze. We settled for a tube of 0.34 fl oz volume that costs $4.49.

  2. Then, we decided that we'll apply two coats of mascara once a day.

  3. The beauty products calculator estimated that such a tube of mascara is enough for 30 applications – it will only last us a month. That's not a lot! To top it off, every application costs $0.15. Maybe we should settle for a single coat of mascara after all? 😀


How can I determine the number of applications of my foundation?

You can easily determine the number of applications of your foundation:

Number of applications = Efficiency × Volume / Layers per application

All you need to do is:

  • Multiply the efficiency by the volume and divide the result by the number of layers per application.

Can I determine the cost per application of my liquid lipstick?

You can easily determine the cost per application of your favorite liquid lipstick by following the steps:

  1. Note the product price.
  2. Divide the product price by the number of applications.
  3. The result is the cost per application of your lipstick.

What is the formula to calculate the number of days my eyeliner will last?

The formula that helps you determine the number of days your eyeliner, or any other beauty product, lasts is:

Number of days = Number of applications / Applications per day

So, to know how long your eyeliner will last, divide the total number of applications by the number of applications per day.

Will my mascara last more than my eyeliner?

We all want our favorite beauty products to last us longer.

If you want to know which product will last you longer, you need to observe the following feature:

  • The volume;
  • Efficiency; and
  • Number of applications per day.

How many applications will my 120ml, $300 foundation give me?

The total number of applications you can have from your 120 ml foundations is 528.
This result is based on the assumption that your foundation gives you 4.4 layers per milliliter (per ml) and that you apply one layer of it almost daily.

Product details

Your beauty habits

💁‍♀️ A person usually applies two layers per mascara application per day. 

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