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Age in Years, Months, and Days Calculator

Created by Luciano Miño
Reviewed by Gabriela Diaz
Last updated: Jan 18, 2024

Our age in years, months, and days calculator can find your age in years, months, and days only by typing in your birth date!

With this calculator, you can:

  • Obtain the number of years, months, and days that have passed since your or someone else's birth date;
  • Find how old will someone be on a future date;
  • Find how old someone was at a specific date (at marriage, death, important events, etc.); and
  • Get your age in other units such as years, months, or days!

How do I calculate age in years, months, and days?

To calculate someone's age in years, months, and days:

  1. Find the differences between the person's birth year/month/day and the current year/month/day:
    • years = birth_year - current_year;
    • months = birth_month - current_month; and
    • day = birth_day - current_day.
  2. Replace them in the following formula: age = (years × 365) + (months × 31) + days.
  3. Divide the result by years from step 1 and truncate it to get the age in years.
  4. Multiply the remainder of step 3 by 12 and truncate it to get the months.
  5. Multiply this last remainder by 31 to get the days.

🙋 This result is an approximation since not every month or year has 31 or 365 days, respectively. Use our age in years, months, and days calculator to get the exact result!

How old will someone be/how old someone was on a specific date

With our age in years, months, and days calculator, you can also find a person's age on dates other than the present time 👶👩🧓.

For example, if we wanted to find how old a celebrity was at the time of their passing, we can input the person's birth date into the calculator and their decease date in the "Current date" field.

Our calculator will then output the exact amount of years, months, and days that the person lived throughout their entire life!

Similarly, we can input a future date ⌚ to find how old will you or someone else's be at that time.


How old am I if I was born in 1998?

24 years old (on 2022). From 1998 to 2022, 24 years have passed. Otherwise, if your birthday didn't occur this year yet, you are 23 years old.

Luciano Miño
Date of birth
Current date
Your Age
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