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Degrees Minutes Seconds to Decimal Degrees Converter

Created by Wei Bin Loo
Reviewed by Julia Żuławińska
Last updated: May 17, 2024

With this degrees minutes seconds to decimal degrees converter, we aim to help you convert the angle from degrees minutes seconds to decimals.

We have written this article to help you understand how to convert degrees minutes seconds to decimal degrees. We will also demonstrate some calculation examples to help you understand the angle conversion.

How to convert degrees minutes seconds to decimal degrees?

Now, let's look at how the angle conversion from degrees minutes seconds to decimal degrees actually works. Let's take 30° 30' 36" as an example. There are only two steps involved:

  1. Determine the angle that you wish to convert in degree minutes seconds

    The first step is to determine the angle in degrees minutes seconds that you need to convert. In this example, we are converting 30° 30' 36" to decimal degrees.

  2. Apply the conversion formula: decimal degrees = degrees + (minutes / 60) + (seconds/3600)

    The next step is then to apply the conversion formula to convert the angle from degrees minutes seconds to decimal degrees. We can achieve this by using the formula below:

    decimal degrees = degrees + (minutes / 60) + (seconds/3600)

    For our example, the angle in decimal degrees is 30° + (30 / 60)° + (36 / 3600)° = 30.51°.

Now that you understand how to convert degrees minutes seconds to decimal degrees, we want to help you understand more about the topic. Hence, here are some calculators that are related to this topic:


What is degree?

A degree is one of the most commonly used units to measure angles. A full circle is defined as 360°.

How do I convert degrees minutes seconds to decimal?

You can convert degrees minutes seconds to decimal in just two steps:

  1. Determine the angle that you wish to convert in degree minutes seconds
  2. Apply the conversion formula: decimal degrees = degrees + (minutes / 60) + (seconds/3600)

Can angle be negative?

Yes, an angle can be expressed in negative degree form. For instance, -30° = 360° - 30° = 330°.

What is radian?

The radian is one of the most used units for measuring angles. Mathematically, 1 radian is equal to about 57.2958 degrees.

Wei Bin Loo
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