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Standard Notation Calculator

Created by Joanna Śmietańska, PhD
Reviewed by Dominika Śmiałek, MD, PhD candidate
Last updated: Jan 18, 2024

Our standard notation calculator was created to instantly convert any number in decimal form or scientific notation to standard notation. Keep reading to learn more about what standard notation is, examples of standard notation, and how to write a chosen number in this notation.

What is standard notation?

Standard notation (or standard form) means that values are displayed with commas every three positions and with a period as a decimal point, e.g., 5,786.04. The number has a regular place-value form with no multiplication sign or exponents. The value of each digit depends on which place it occupies. For example, 2 in 2,698 has a value of 2 thousand, while 3 in 3,412,000 is 3 million.
You can easily multiply and divide numbers in standard notation by multiples of 10:

  • To multiply a number by a power of 10, move the comma to the right by the same number of places as the exponent (this will increase your number).

For example, 780 × 100 = 78,000.

  • To divide a number by a power of 10, move the decimal to the left by the same number of places as the exponent (this will reduce your number).

For example, 0.08 / 1,000 = 0.00008.

How to convert scientific notation into standard form

Using scientific notation is convenient for very large or very small numbers. Scientific notation has two parts: the first is a number with a value from 1 to 10, and the second is the corresponding power of 10, such as 2.7 × 10⁴. If you want to convert scientific notation to the standard form:

  1. Find the exponent in the power of ten, e.g., 4 in 10⁴.
  2. Move the decimal that many places to the right if the exponent is positive and to the left if the exponent is negative. Let's move the decimal four places to the right.
  3. Write zeros in the remaining blank spaces. Thus, 2.7 × 10⁴ in standard notation is 27,000.

How to use standard notation calculator

This standard notation calculator needs only three steps to convert to standard notation:

  1. Enter your number in decimal form, with an exponent (e), or in scientific notation. Let us enter the number 4450.
  2. Use "Advanced Mode" to modify significant numbers. This will give you the digits in a number that determine its accuracy. The default value is set to 10.
  3. Read the result with the standard notation calculator: 4,450.

Our other useful tools

We have a collection of other tools for writing numbers in different notations; you can find them below:


What is the standard notation of 3.52 x 10⁷?

35,200,000. To convert a number from scientific notation into the standard form:

  1. Identify the exponent in 3.52 x 10⁷; its value is 7.
  2. Move the decimal point 7 places to the right.
  3. Fill in the five empty spaces with zeros.

What is the standard notation of 1.52 x 10⁻⁵?

0.0000152. To convert to standard notation:

  1. Identify the exponent in the power of 10; it is -5.
  2. Move the decimal point 5 places to the left.
  3. Fill in the four empty spaces with zeros.
Joanna Śmietańska, PhD
Enter either decimal or scientific notation:
Scientific notation
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