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Marinara Moura, MSc, is a Civil Engineer passionate about learning. She believes that knowledge is only acquired when you share it, and she does that by not only writing articles and calculators at Omni but also as a PhD student. Marinara knows the importance of disseminating science, so she worked hard to have her papers published in influential journals in her field. Apart from her professional side, she is a dedicated mother who loves to spend time with her family. Whenever she has some free time, she enjoys cooking and baking.
Non-destructive ultrasonic testings
Inspection and diagnosis of construction materials
Technological material control
State University of Campinas, São Paulo, BrazilPhD in Civil Engineering (in progress)
State University of Campinas, São Paulo, BrazilMaster’s degree in Technology
Federal University of Semi Arid, Caraúbas-RN, BrazilBachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering
Federal University of Semi Arid, Mossoró-RN, BrazilBachelor’s degree in Science and Technology
Marinara has always been interested in Science and Engineering. As an undergraduate student, she realized how good at math she was when her Calculus Professor invited her to be his tutor. In college, she also won a scholarship to study abroad, where she spent one year in the U.S. studying and working in a construction laboratory at the University of Wisconsin, MI. She finished her bachelor's in Brazil, graduating with honors as the first in her class. As a person who really knows the importance of a good education, she kept studying. During her Master's in the top 3 Universities in Brazil, she won a sponsorship for her project. As soon as she won her master’s degree, she joined the same university in its PhD program, where her thesis is about applying machine learning techniques to inspect mortars and concrete using ultrasonic testing data. It is worth mentioning that her desire for spreading knowledge led her to work as a professor for undergraduate students in two private universities in São Paulo, Brazil. In addition, she is always seeking to disseminate student’s work in her work, publishing papers to the scientific community. At Omni, she aims to help people with mathematical and construction problems. But she is not restricted to that. If she knows a topic worth sharing, she goes for it. Recently, her experience as a first-time mother led her to create the “Exclusive Pumping Calculator,” which was featured on Health News.
Marinara got a scholarship for an undergraduate exchange program in the University of Wisconsin-MI, granted by Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement in Brazil. She also gained sponsorship for a master project titled “Identification of concrete voids in digital images generated by ultrasonic tomography”, granted by the São Paulo Research Foundation.
Graduation with honors for the Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, Federal University of Semi Arid, Caraúbas-RN, Brazil
‘Frustrated With the Pain’: The Untold Challenges of Breast Pumping; Healthnews
Moura M A do N, Leal C F, Lopes AM, Ferreira GC dos S, Aris P G. Post-fire prediction of residual compressive strength of mortars using ultrasonic testing; Construction and Building Materials; Feb 2024
Moura M A do N, Lopes A, Ferreira GC dos S. Ultrasonic testing on evaluation of concrete residual compressive strength: A review; Construction and Building Materials; Apr 2023
Silva T F, Moura M A do N, Souza E de FC de, Ferreira GC dos S, Pereira VFR. Influence of the cooling process on the physicochemical properties of ladle furnace slag, used in the replacement of Portland cement; Matéria (Rio de Janeiro); Jan 2022
Nepomuceno T, Moura M A do N, Paulo Sergio Martins, Antonio M. Brain Extraction in Multiple T1-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging slices using Digital Image Processing techniques; IEEE Latin America Transactions; May 2022
URURE R M Q, Carvalho, M A G, Moura M A do N, Ferreira GC dos S. Data Interpolation Based on Contextual Analysis for Generating Tomographic Images in Concrete Specimen; International Conferences CoMulti Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2020), 2020, Zagreb; Jul 2020
Moura M A do N, Carvalho M A G, Ferreira GC dos S. Influence of Measuring Points in Ultrasonic Tests on the Tomographic Image Quality of Concrete; International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision'2020, 2020, Pilsen; Jan 2020