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Cubic Feet to Cubic Meters Converter


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How to convert cubic feet to cubic metersHow to use the cubic feet to cubic meters converterFAQs

Welcome to our cubic feet to cubic meters converter, an easy-to-use tool for converting cubic feet to cubic meters and cubic meters to cubic feet. But that's not all! Our cubic meters to cubic feet converter is also a general volume converter, where you can see your result in various volume units such as liters, centiliters, cubic decimeters, and many more!

In this article, you'll discover:

  • How to convert cubic feet to cubic meters;
  • How to convert cubic meters to cubic feet; and
  • How to use our cubic feet to cubic meters converter.

Read on for practical examples of how to manually convert cubic feet to cubic meters and vice versa!

How to convert cubic feet to cubic meters

You may already know how to convert square meters to square feet, but what about converting between two units of volume?

The first thing to know is that a cubic foot is defined as the volume of a cube whose sides are 1 foot long. And... you guessed it, a cubic meter can be represented by a cube whose sides measure 1 meter long.

Now that we've covered the basics, the real question is how to convert cubic feet to cubic meters and vice versa. To do this, we first need to know the conversion between feet and meters:

Foot-to-meter conversion

1 foot ≈ 0.3048 meter

Meter-to-foot conversion

1 meter ≈ 3.28084 foot

Then, to obtain the conversion between cubic feet and cubic meters, simply multiply the measurements by themselves three times:

Cubic feet to cubic meters conversion

1 cu ft ≈ (0.3048)3 m3 ≈ 0.028317 m3

Cubic meters to cubic feet conversion

1 m3 ≈ (3.28084)3 cu ft ≈ 35.315 cu ft

That's easy enough, isn't it?

If you'd like to know more about these different units, feel free to check out our cubic meters and cubic feet calculators.

How to use the cubic feet to cubic meters converter

Our cubic feet to cubic meters converter is very easy to use. For example, suppose you want to convert 10 cubic feet to cubic meters.

  1. Enter 10 in the first field, Cubic feet (cu ft).

  2. The result is displayed in the second field, Cubic meters (m3): 0.28317 m3.

  3. You have just converted 10 cubic feet to cubic meters.

    If you want to see your results in other units, expand the More conversion options section by clicking on it. A new field Volume in other units appears. You can change the units in this field by clicking on them and see the conversion in liters, hectoliters, cubic decimeters, and many others.

Now, suppose you want to convert 9 m3 to cubic feet. As our tool works in both directions, you can use it as a cubic meters to cubic feet converter. All you have to do is:

  1. Enter 9 in the second field, Cubic meters (m3).

  2. Your result is now displayed in the first field, Cubic feet (cu ft): 317.83 cu ft.

  3. That's all there is to it!


How do I convert cubic feet to cubic meters?

To convert cubic feet to cubic meters, proceed as follows:

  1. Note the volume in cubic feet.
  2. Divide the volume in cubic feet by approximately 35.315.
  3. That's it! You've just converted a volume in cubic feet into cubic meters.

How do I convert cubic meters to cubic feet?

To convert cubic meters into cubic feet, follow the steps below:

  1. Write down the volume in cubic meters.
  2. Multiply the volume in cubic meters by around 35.315.
  3. That's it! You've just converted a volume in cubic meters into cubic feet.

What is 100 cubic feet in cubic meters?

2.8317 m3. To convert 100 cubic feet into cubic meters, you can use the equation below:

  • 100 cu ft / 35.315 ≈ 2.8317 m3

What is 15 cubic meters in cubic feet?

529.7 cu ft. To convert 15 cubic meters into cubic feet, you can use the formula below:

  • 15 m3 × 35.315 ≈ 529.7 cu ft
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