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Quantity Converter


Table of contents

How much is a dozen and a baker's dozen?Cheaper by the dozenA dozen a gross and a scoreHow to use our quantity converter

Our quantity converter will help you find out how much a dozen is or how many half a dozen are in a score. Choose between nine different quantity units and find the answer in a blink of an eye. If you are curious about baker's dozen origin or you are looking for a conversion table for a dozen, a gross, and a score, keep scrolling!

How much is a dozen and a baker's dozen?

Ask for a dozen eggs, pencils, or cookies, and you are almost certain to receive 12 of the chosen items. However, the baker's dozen measure also exists, and it's sometimes called devil's dozen, long dozen, or long measure. The baker's dozen is one more than the regular dozen, so it's a grouping of 13.

Baker's dozen measure comes from medieval England. The law was strict for bakers. For overpricing the bread, you could get hefty fines and floggings. As it's difficult to obtain baked goods in the same size and weight every time, bakers decided to add one extra item, just in case. They prefer to throw a bit extra than risk the penalty - sometimes, they even added one more product, and the customer ended up with 14 items while buying a dozen.

Nowadays, if you are ordering a dozen donuts, you can usually expect 12 donuts in a box:

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Do you feel the craving coming on? Are you a doughnut lover? Check out how to burn the calories from dozen of donuts in our awesome do or donut calculator! Maybe you should stick to half a dozen?...

Cheaper by the dozen

Originating in Mesopotamia, a dozen is one of the oldest grouping measures. It's a convenient number as it has many divisors (1,2,3,4,6,12). The dozen probably come from the twelve cycles of the moon or the number of months in a year.

Twelve is a base number in the duodecimal system, and we often use it in imperial measurements (e.g., 1 foot = 12 inches). Twelve dozen are called a gross (12² = 144); a dozen gross is known as a great gross (12³ = 1728), a term used in wholesale trade.

A dozen a gross and a score

If you want to check how much is a dozen, half a dozen, or a score, check this simple conversion table below:


Quantity units names


a couple / a pair / a brace


half a dozen


a dozen


a baker's dozen


a score


a gross (12 dozen)


a great gross (12 gross)

If your query is a bit more advanced, e.g., How many dozens are in 25 scores? use our quantity converter:

Are you looking for a quantity converter to help you to convert other units? Try our paper quantity converter.

How to use our quantity converter

Our quantity converter is very intuitive and needs no explanation, however, if you insist🤣. Here is a simple explanation of how to use it:

  • Enter the value you want to convert into the correct box. In our case, it's the scores box. Type 25.
  • The values in the other eight units appear.
  • Find the measure you need. The quantity converter calculated that there are 41.7 dozen in 25 scores.

Are you looking for a calculator that will help you work with other types of measurements? Check out our length converter.

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