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Weird Units Converter

Created by Steven Wooding
Reviewed by Bogna Szyk and Jack Bowater
Last updated: Sep 06, 2023

Have you ever found yourself wondering how many LEGO bricks 🧱 you’d need to stack to match your height ? Perhaps you’ve been unable to get the question of how much would a million cute, fluffy kittens 🐱 weigh out of your head? Do you work with numbers πŸ”’ or write stories about them and need a way to make them seem more human and approachable? Or maybe you’re just a generally curious, creative person who can’t seem to stop coming up with weird, unusual comparisons?

If you’ve answered yes to any of the questions above, you’re in the right place! We constructed this weird unit converter exactly for the entertainment of the inquisitive, unconventional minds such as yourself πŸ˜‰

Naturally, this tool can be used to check totally normal, everyday things, such as converting feet to meters – but let’s be real, where’s the fun in that? We’ve prepared a wide variety of fun, interesting, and sometimes straight-up wacky units for you to choose from so that you can take a new, fresh perspective and add an exciting edge to your mundane daily calculations!

Use the weird converter to find out what fraction of Batman’s fortune you’re worth, check how many feathers you weigh, and discover many, many more interesting conversions and comparisons. This tool can be a real treasure trove πŸ’° of fun facts and surprising trivia that will let you steal the spotlight of any conversation. Now, let’s get to converting!

Numbers get meaningless pretty quickly

For most of human history, we have only been used to quite small numbers. The ten digits on our hands and feet. The couple of hundred people in a settlement, or a thousand animals on the land. When the number of things does get large, we just use words like "forest" for thousands of trees or "flock" for thousands of birds. There was no evolutionary pressure for humans to know the exact number of these large quantities of things. In fact, there are some languages that don't have a number system. Instead, they rely on a word for "a few" and a word meaning "a lot". It certainly makes accounting super simple.

Given this background, is it any wonder that most people find it hard to grasp the enormously large and incredibly small numbers that we come across in modern life. Unless you have a good understanding of mathematics and the exponential number system, any number above a couple of thousand quickly gets meaningless.

The way we write numbers doesn't help. The difference between 1,000,000 and 10,000,000 as written is only one zero, but in number terms the difference is nine million. Worse still, the bigger the numbers get, the larger the difference an extra zero makes.

Change the unit of measurement

In standard systems of measurement, when the numbers get too large, we change the unit of measurement. For example, when lengths get too long to represent in inches, we switch to feet, then yards, then miles. With experience at measuring distances, we can get a feel for what 10 miles represents. But what about 5,000 miles, 500 times further? Well, that's about twice the coast-to-coast distance across the US.

We can also change the unit of measurement, so it is more relatable to everyday life. For example, using a parking space to measure area, or a Big Mac to measure weight. We can experience or visualize such things, and as long as the number that goes with the measurement isn't too large, we're more comfortable with the measurement.

When using this calculator, try to choose units so the numbers don't get too large for your measurement. Saying that a distance is a million chocolate bars isn't that helpful. Better to say it's around 50 Golden Gate Bridges in length.

How to use our weird units of measurement calculator

The weird unit calculator is really simple to use. Let's go through how to use it, step by step.

  1. Select the unit type you want to convert, such as length, height, weight, etc.
  2. Input your measurement in regular units. If the default unit is not convenient, click on the unit to select another unit. Then enter a number.
  3. Your measurement will be converted to its default weird unit. To change the weird unit, click on the unit to display a list of weird units to choose from. Remember not to make the number too large or too small.
  4. For the unit types sound and temperature, the calculator makes your number relatable to other things that are louder and quieter, colder and hotter, such as saying that a temperature is between room temperature and human body temperature.

We also have dedicated conversion tools to tackle other problems like the pixels to inches converter and the million to lakh converter. Make sure to check them out too!

Steven Wooding
We've packed this weird converter with fun, interesting, and sometimes even wacky units, so that you can change your perspective on mundane, everyday life calculations and conversions πŸ€ͺ

Explore it, discover surprising comparisons, and think of your own unique unit! πŸ¦„
Unit type
Normal energy unit
Weird energy unit
earth to moon πŸŒβž‘πŸŒ‘
Enter the number 1 for a weird unit and you'll see what it is in regular units.
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