Day of the Year Calculator
Have you ever stopped to calculate the day of the year we are at or what day in the year you were born? The day of the year calculator is just the tool you need to do this in a few seconds. This intuitive tool calculates the following:
- What numbered day of the year it is;
- How many days there are until the end of the year;
- The day of the year of any date you enter; and
- How many days are left in the year from a given date.
Additionally, this accompanying article includes information on the following:
- What the term day of the year means;
- The number of days in a year;
- How to calculate the day of the year;
- How to use our day of the year calculator; and
- How to calculate the number of days that are left in a year.
🙋 To determine the days between two dates, visit our days between dates calculator. Additionally, we have an Age difference calculator that would help you to figure out the age gap between two people based on their dates of birth or age.
What does the term day of the year mean?
The term day of the year refers to the days in our calendar year numbered in sequential order. The 1st
of January is considered day 1
, while the 31st
of December is day 365
in a non-leap year and 366
in a leap year.
How many days are there in a year? How many days are in a leap year?
There are 366 days in a leap year and 365 days in a non-leap year. The difference always appears in the month of February, which has 29
days in a leap year and 28
days in a non-leap year.
How to calculate the number of days left in the year
Calculating the number of days left in the year is a pretty simple task. To do this, follow these steps:
Find out whether it is a leap year or not. For this exercise, let's assume you are calculating for a non-leap year.
Calculate what numbered day of the year it is. We do this by finding the total number of days in all the whole months and then adding the number of days in the current month.
So, if the date is the 13th of March, find the total number of days in January and February:
31 + 28 = 59
Find the total number of extra days in March and add them to the total above:
59 + 13 = 72
Subtract the answer above from the total number of days in the year:
365 - 72 = 293
That's it. You just calculated the number of days left in the year.
🙋 Are you a new mother looking to track your baby's milestones? We have a baby age calculator that will make tracking your baby's age very easy. All you need is the date of birth of your baby. What are you waiting for? Go try it.
How to use our days of the year calculator
Our day of the year calculator takes in one input only — a date. You are allowed to pick a date from the calendar icon, and our day of the year calculator automatically calculates what numbered day of the year it is and how many days there are left in the year from that date.
Additionally, our days left in the year calculator is set to automatically generate the day of the year that today corresponds to and how many days are left in the current year.
How do I calculate what day of the year it is out of 365?
To calculate what day of the year it is today, follow these steps:
- Get the numbered day in the current month.
- Get the number of days for each whole month that has passed.
- Find the total of the days that you found in Step 2.
- Add the extra days for the current month you found in Step 1 to the answer found in Step 3.
That's it. You just calculated what day of the year it is out of 365.
What day of the year was the 16th of March 1977?
The 16th of March 1977 was the 75th day of the year. It was not a leap year since the year cannot be divided by 4 without leaving a remainder. To calculate the numbered day, follow these steps:
Write down the numbered day of March:
. -
Write down the number of days for each month preceding March:
. -
Add the numbers from 1 and 2 together:
16 + 31 + 28 = 75
As you can see, it was the 75th
day of the year.
When is my birthday if I was born on February 29?
In a non-leap year, some people born on the 29th
celebrate their birthdays on the 28th
of February, while others celebrate on the 1st
of March.
Here is one sure thing, if you were born on the 29th
of February, you were born on the 60th
day of the year and the day after the 28th
. So whether you celebrate on the 28th
or the 1st
, you complete a full year on the day after the 28th
, even in non-leap years.
This means that today is day 77 in the year.
There are 288 days left in 2025.