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GWAM Calculator


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What is gross words per minute? – GWAM meaningHow to calculate the gross words per minute? GWAM calculationFAQs

With this GWAM calculator, we aim to help you to calculate how many words you can type in a fixed time. Your gross words per minute can help you assess your typing speed.

We have written this article to help you understand the gross words per minute definition and how to calculate the gross words per minute. We will also demonstrate some examples to help you understand the GWAM calculation.

What is gross words per minute? – GWAM meaning

The definition of gross words per minute is the number of words you can type in a minute. The GWAM meaning is also the speed at which you can type. Check out our words per minute calculator to understand more.

As computers are now the main tools used in all kinds of work, having a decent typing speed is essential. It can hugely increase your productivity. This can make your working days more efficient. Learn more about increasing your productivity with our productivity calculator and efficiency calculator.

How to calculate the gross words per minute? GWAM calculation

Now that you've understood the gross words per minute definition, now let's look at the calculation. To understand the calculation of GWAM, let's take Nicole as an example:

  • Name: Nicole
  • Number of words typed: 200 words
  • Typing time: 90 seconds

You can calculate your gross words per minute in three steps:

  1. Determine the total number of words typed.

    The first step is to determine the total number of words typed in the fixed interval. For our example, the number of words typed is 200 words.

  2. Determine the typing time you used in minutes.

    The next step is determining the time taken to type the number of words mentioned above. For Nicole, her typing time is 90 seconds.

    To convert this into minutes, you can divide by 60. Thus, this is also equivalent to 90 / 60 = 1.5 minutes

  3. Calculate the gross words per minute (GWAM).

    The last step is calculating the gross words per minute using the GWAM formula. The formula is:

    GWAM = total words / typing time

    Hence, the GAWM is 200 words / 1.5 minute = 133.33 words per minute. So, Nicole's GWAM is 133.33 words per minute.


What is my GWAM if I can type 40 words in 30 seconds?

Your GWAM will be 80 words per minute. You can calculate this by dividing the number of words by your typing time in minutes: 40 words / 0.5 minute = 80 words.

How can I calculate my gross words per minute?

You can calculate your gross words per minute in three steps:

  1. Determine the total number of words typed.

  2. Determine the typing time you used in minutes.

  3. Apply the GWAM formula:

    GWAM = total words / typing time

Can GWAM be negative?

No, the GWAM cannot be negative. This is because the least number of words you can type is zero, as negative words do not exist in our world.

How to best improve your gross words per minute?

The best way to improve your gross words per minute is to make sure that you are typing in the right way. Touch typing has proven to be one of the most efficient ways to type fast. And make sure you keep practicing!

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