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California Stimulus Check II Calculator

Created by Wei Bin Loo
Reviewed by Hanna Pamuła, PhD
Last updated: Feb 14, 2025

As millions of Americans still try to cope with the financial consequences of the pandemic, an online petition advocating for the government to provide struggling citizens with $2000 per month has gained publicity, already gathering a staggering number of almost 3,000,000 signatures. Indeed, it seems like the question of "Will there be a fourth stimulus check?" is on everyone's minds. Unfortunately, the federal government does not seem to be willing to provide it.

Luckily, many Americans can count on the help of their local authorities. Several states have decided to provide their citizens with their own versions of the stimulus checks. This calculator focuses on one of them: California's Golden State Stimulus II. According to the office of Governor Gavin Newsom, Californians who qualify for the program and have filled in their tax return will start receiving their payments as soon as Friday, August 27.

On top of that, this is the second Golden State Stimulus that the local government has provided to its citizens. About 11 million citizens of California are estimated to receive payments under the Golden State Stimulus Plan.

This tool can be used to estimate how much aid one can expect, based on a number of factors taken into account by California's Franchise Tax Board.

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Do I qualify for Golden State Stimulus II?

Our calculator works on the assumptions that you meet the basic criteria listed by The State of California's Franchise Tax Board.

To qualify for the Golden State Stimulus II, you must:

  • File your 2020 taxes by October 15, 2021;
  • Have a CA AGI (California Adjusted Gross Income) between $1 and $75,000 for the 2020 tax year;
  • Have wages between $0 and $75,000 for the 2020 tax year;
  • Be a resident of California on the date the payment is issued; and
  • Cannot be claimed as a dependent (a qualified child or a qualified relative) by another taxpayer.

Please note that if you don't qualify for Golden State Stimulus II, you might still be eligible for GSS I. Please refer to the FTB website for more information.

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How do I sign up for GSS II?

Golden State Stimulus II does not require you to file any additional forms. To apply for the check, all you need to do is file a 2020 tax return by October 15, 2021.

As long as you fill the requirements listed in the paragraph above, you should expect to get your payment without taking any extra action. At this point, the payments are expected to start in September 2021.

What can I receive?

The amounts you might get from Golden State Stimulus II vary, depending on several factors. Here are the possible scenarios, along with the corresponding sums.



Stimulus amount

You have an SSN

Qualified for GSS I; claimed a credit for 1 or more dependents.


Did not qualify for GSS I; did not claim a credit for 1 or more dependents.


Did not qualify for GSS I; claimed a credit for 1 or more dependents.


Qualified for GSS I; did not claim a credit for 1 or more dependents.

You do not qualify for GSS II.

You have an ITIN

Qualified for GSS I; claimed a credit for 1 or more dependents.


Qualified for GSS I; did not claim a credit for 1 or more dependents.

You do not qualify for GSS II.

Before you go, check out the stimulus payment calculator.

Wei Bin Loo
On August 27, 2021, Californians will begin receiving the second round of Golden State Stimulus payments introduced by Gavin Newsom, the governer of California. This stimulus check is expected to provide a short-term financial boost to more than 66% of Californians. This tool helps you calculate the stimulus you are eligible for under the Golden State Stimulus II
Golden State Stimulus II criteria
What is your California Adjusted Gross Income?
Have you been a California resident for more than half of 2020?
Golden State Stimulus II
Tax file
Are you qualified for the Golden State Stimulus I?
Have you claimed at least one child dependent?
When will you receive the payment?
What payment method did you opt for?
Direct deposit
Tax filing date
Please put in your details to check if you are eligible for the Golden State Stimulus II.
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