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Hourly to Annual Salary Calculator


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How do I calculate the annual salary based on hourly rate?How do I calculate the hourly rate based on annual salary?How to use this hourly to annual salary calculator?Similar Omni toolsFAQs

This hourly to annual salary calculator will help you easily calculate from hourly to yearly salary. Other periods, like months and weeks, are available too! When you get your next pay rise, expressed in the hourly rate, use this hourly to yearly pay calculator to determine how much of a difference this will make for your annual salary! Scroll down to learn how these calculations work, in case you ever need to perform them by hand or in your head! (Or if you are really curious how we programmed this hourly to yearly pay calculator :P)

How do I calculate the annual salary based on hourly rate?

To convert your hourly wage to yearly salary, you need to:

  1. Multiply the hourly wage by the number of hours you work per week. The standard value is 40.
  2. Multiply the result of Step 1. by 52, which is the number of weeks per year.
  3. The result is your annual salary. You can also use an online hourly to yearly salary calculator to verify the result.

How do I calculate the hourly rate based on annual salary?

To convert your annual salary to hourly wage, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the number of hours you work per week. The standard value is 40.
  2. Multiply it by the number of weeks in a year, i.e., by 52. You've found the number of hours you work per year.
  3. Divide your annual salary by the result of Step 2..
  4. The result is your hourly wage. An online hourly to annual salary calculator will help if you struggle with the computations!

How to use this hourly to annual salary calculator?

It's really simple! To use our hourly to yearly salary calculator, you need to:

  1. Fill in your hourly wage.
  2. We've pre-filled the number of hours worked by week with 40, which is the standard value, but of course, you can adjust this number if you work a non-standard number of hours per week.
  3. The same goes for the number of days worked in a week (the latter is needed for computing daily wage).
  4. Our hourly to yearly pay calculator will compute and display your annual salary, as well as your monthly pay, etc. See how simple it is?

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If you're done converting between hourly and annual pay, check out other salary calculators:


What is my annual salary if I earn $15 per hour?

Your salary is $31,200 if you work 40 hours per week. To arrive at this result, you need to multiply your hourly wage ($15) by the number of hours you work per week (we assumed 40) and then by 52, which is the number of weeks per year.
If you work a different number of hours per week, adjust the calculations by using the formula: annual salary = hourly wage × hours per week × 52 or by resorting to Omni's hourly to annual salary calculator.

What is my annual salary if I earn $25 per hour and work half-time?

The answer is $26,000, where by half-time we mean 20 hrs/week. If you work a different number of hours, to get a more accurate result, you need to multiply the number of hours you work per week by $25 (your hourly wage) and then by 52 (the number of weeks in a year). If you encounter any trouble, don't hesitate to use an online hourly to yearly salary calculator.

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