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Welcome to the poker odds calculator, where we calculate the odds that you'll win a given Texas hold' em round based on your hand and the current community cards. Your likelihood to win a play is also known as your equity, so this poker probability calculator is also a poker equity calculator!

In this article, you'll learn:

  • How to use the poker hand odds calculator;
  • What the different poker hands are;
  • How to calculate odds in poker; and
  • Why 2 and 7 of different suits is the worst starting hand in poker.

Omni Calculator does not endorse gambling. If you fear that you or a loved one are addicted to gambling, we encourage you to seek professional help and counseling. You should always gamble responsibly and know when to stop.

How to use the poker equity calculator

To use the poker hand odds calculator, follow these easy steps:

  1. First, select which two cards you've been dealt.

  2. Then, select the community cards, which are the cards dealt to the table and are available to all players.

    • You don't have to select all five if your table is still at the flop or the turn — leave the undealt cards as Unknown.
  1. Select the number of opponents you're facing.

    • If you know any cards they might have, select Yes and enter those cards.
  1. The poker odds calculator will then report the odds of you winning, drawing, or losing this round, and it'll also give you a probability breakdown of the hands both you and your opponents might have.

Want to rerun the calculations? Reselect any card, and the calculator will do the math again.

This poker hand odds calculator uses Monte Carlo simulation to determine its results. It runs a few thousand simulations of the current poker round to approximate each possible outcome's odds. While not 100% accurate, these odds are very close to the true probabilities.

💡 Want to discover more about probabilities? If you apply them correctly, the binomial distribution calculator can tell you the odds of drawing an elusive card from the deck, and the probability calculator can tell you the odds of drawing certain combinations of cards.

What is equity in poker?

In poker, equity is the probability that you'll win a round. It is usually expressed as a percentage (e.g., 50% for a 50-50 chance). It can also be related to a share of the pot based on this percentage (e.g., 50% equity of a $20 pot is $10), but that amount can change if the pot does — equity technically solely depends on the cards.

What is the difference between equity and EV in poker?

The concepts of equity and EV are adjacent but different. For a given play:

  • Equity is the probability that you'll win that play with the cards that you and your opponents have at your disposal.
  • Expected value (EV) is the average monetary amount per round you can expect to win if you make the same play multiple times.

Notably, EV depends on equity but not vice versa.

💡 Want to learn more about the expected value of a play rather than the odds of winning it? Head on over to our poker EV calculator!

How do I calculate poker odds?

There are two ways to calculate poker odds:

  1. Perform rudimentary statistical calculations based on the current state of the table (your cards, the community cards) and what can happen from there (which cards you need to make a good hand, the odds that they'll appear, etc.).

    Seasoned poker players know some formulas for specific hands, like pocket pairs or the dreaded 2-7 off-suit.

  2. Use an online poker probability calculator like the one at

What are the different poker hands?

To make sense of our poker probability calculator's outputs and inner workings, we need to know the different hands you might find in poker. So, here they are, described and ranked from best to worst below. When multiple hands of the highest rank are present, the rank of the individual cards breaks these ties. Aces are usually ranked highest but can form part of low sequences too (acting as a "1" instead) — we'd count both A-2-3-4-5 or 10-J-Q-K-A as straights, but the former is 5-high, and the latter is ace-high.

  1. Straight flush: Five cards of sequential ranks of the same suit. The highest-ranked card breaks ties. An ace-high straight flush (i.e., A, K, Q, J, and 10, all of the same suit) is famously called a royal flush and is the best possible hand.

  2. Four of a kind: Four cards of the same rank and a remaining card of any rank. The quadruple-card's rank breaks ties.

  3. Full house: One triple and one pair. Ties are broken by the triple's rank, then by the pair's rank.

  4. Flush: Five cards of the same suit, but with no discernible order. Ties are broken by comparing the two highest cards, then the two second-highest cards, etc.

  5. Straight: Five cards in sequential order, but not of one suit. The highest card in the straight breaks ties.

  6. Three of a kind: Three cards with the same face. Ties are broken by those three cards' rank, and then by the highest remaining cards in order.

  7. Two pair: Two separate pairs of faces. Ties are broken by the best pair's rank, then the second-best pair's rank, then by the highest remaining cards in order.

  8. Pair ("one pair"): Only one pair of faces. Ties are broken by this pair's rank and then by the highest remaining card.

  9. High card: When no other hand can be formed, it's called a "high card", which refers to the best-ranked card in that hand. Ties are broken as with flushes — first, compare the two high cards, then the two next highest ranks, etc.

The poker equity calculator will tell you what the odds are that you'll eventually obtain a given hand, given the cards you've been dealt initially.

This calculator uses code by James Simpson and GoldFire Studios, Inc. that was released under the MIT license in 2016.


Why is the 2-7 off-suit starting hand bad in poker?

A 2 and a 7 of different suits is a terrible hand to begin a poker round with. 2 and 7 can't coexist in a straight, and differing suits make it harder to build a flush. The odds of getting a two-pair (two 2s and two 7s) is roughly 25%, and if you do, you'd still lose half the time at a table of six players. Best to fold.

What are the odds to win poker with pocket aces?

Pocket aces (i.e., being dealt two aces) are the best-starting hands. With pocket aces, your odds of winning this round are as follows:

# of opponents

Odds of winning


≈ 85%


≈ 73%


≈ 63.5%


≈ 55%


≈ 49%


≈ 43%


≈ 38.5%


≈ 34.3%

Rijk de Wet
Your cards
Card #1
Card #2
Community cards
Card #1
Card #2
Card #3
Card #4
Card #5
Number of opponents
Know any of your opponents' cards?
Before the odds can be calculated, please select your own cards.
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