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This is the beta version of the upcoming OmniCalculator that will allow anyone to create their own sports drinks at home. Replenish the electrolytes you will loose through sweat while exercising, fuel properly and ensure that your hydration and performance will be as good as science allows

Endurance exercise: the benefits and risks of pushing your body

Exercising is the healthiest thing in the world, makes our lives and the quality of it better and we should all do it, specially strength and endurance training. Don't over do it, build gradually and fuel/drink properly, don't try to be a tough one or you can wreck you body. Special focus on the need for fueling and hydration to avoid wrecking your body

Hydration during exercise: beyond drinking water

Why we sweat, how much and what is sweat. Potential problems of only drinking water.

How to use the calculator

A general overview of the calculator with an example of using it to prepare a workout

A deeper dive into electrolytes

an explanation of why it's important to take electrolytes and which are the most important. Also why we have chosen Na, Cl (which we don't show) K, Ca, and Mg. Mention others

Fueling your activities, what you should do and what's possible

Eating is important beyond 90 min approx, why so and how to do it. Carbs vs other sources and the limits of what our bodies can absorb (generally 60g of carbs per hour, but might be possible to push beyond... but it's out of scope for us)

Real food vs sports nutrition/hydration

Talk about the importance of a balance diet and putting into context the need for carbs and sugars around exercise vs what eating healthy means in regular life. small summary and closure

Álvaro Díez
Your activity
Input activity details
What activity will you do?
🚲 Cycling
How long will it be?
How hot/humid will it be?
How intense will be your activity?
About you
How much do you weigh?
How much do you sweat?
A normal amount
What will you be eating?
Carbohydrate source
🍚 White sugar
Sodium source
🧂Table salt
Potassium source
Calcium source
Magnesium source
What results do you want to see?
Hourly intake of food/drink
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Average triathlon finish timesCycling power zonesTriathlon heart rate training zones… 2 more
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