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Custom Dice Roller Calculator

Created by Julia Żuławińska
Reviewed by Komal Rafay
Last updated: Jan 18, 2024

In Omni's custom dice roller calculator, you can roll up to fifteen dice of various numbers of sides! Keep reading to find out how to use our dice roll generator. We also included a few fun facts about dice geometry. 🎲

How to use our custom dice roller calculator?

To use our custom dice roller:

  1. Choose the number of dice you want to roll. You can choose up to 15 dice!
  2. If you want all dice to be the same, set all dice types to a desired number.
  3. If not all dice are to be the same, set each dice to have a desired number of sides. You can choose between dice that have between 20 different types of dices.
  4. When you choose the number and type of dice, click select/roll, and roll the dice!

Geometry of dice - dice shapes

If our dice roll generator is not enough, and you prefer dice that you can roll yourself, here are some fun facts about dice shapes.
Dice must be constructed in a way there is an equal probability of each outcome. Geometrically, the typical dices are regular polyhedrons, so three-dimensional shapes with identicall faces and corners, and straight edges. They are also known as Platonic solids.

Dice type

Geometrical shape











Another popular dice - 10-sided dice is created with a figure with kite-shaped faces. It's called a pentagonal trapezohedron.

It's most tricky to create odd-number-sided dices. For example, you can't create a 3D shape with 3 sides. But you can create a cube with each number (1, 2, 3) displayed two times. For other odd numbers you can create prisms. That means shapes with regular polygons at the top and bottom, and any number of sides.

Generally, there isn't one way to make a dice. Even most popular 6-sided dice can be a cube, but it can also be a prism, a trapezohedra, or a dipyramid.

Our other dice rolling tools


How many dice shapes are there?

Even though most dice have typical geometrical shapes, they can usually be constructed in different ways.

  • Standard dices (with 4, 6, 8, 12, and 20 sides) are often regular polyhedrons.
  • You can sometimes come across prism shapes, especially for odd-number-sided dice.
  • Dipiramids and trapezohedra are shapes often used for even-number-sided dice.

What are the seven types of dice?

The seven types of dice, often sold in a set, are:

  • four-sided dice (d4),
  • six-sided dice (d6),
  • eight-sided dice (d8),
  • ten-sided dice (d10),
  • ten-sided percentile dice (d10 in tens),
  • twelve-sided dice (d12), and
  • twenty-sided dice (d20).

This is the perfect set to start your adventure with role-playing games, also known as RPGs. But no worries if you don't have time to go to a store! The custom dice roller calculator is always on hand!

Julia Żuławińska
Number of dice
Die 1
Let 'em roll!
Click Select/Roll, click Roll 🎲
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