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The stem and leaf plot calculator helps you to generate a stem-and-leaf display for a given set of integers. Read on to know more about what a stem-and-leaf plot is, how to interpret the stem-and-leaf plot, and how to calculate the median from the stem-and-leaf plot.

Furthermore, in this article, you will also find examples with explanations to understand many of these stem-and-leaf statistical aspects.

What is a stem-and-leaf plot?

The stem-and-leaf plot, also known as the stemplot, is a visual display of all numbers in a given distribution in a condensed form. It helps present the quantitative data (integers) in a graphical form for easier interpretation of the shape of the distribution.

To interpret a stem-and-leaf plot, let's first understand what each of these terms means:

  • Stem — It is the integer part you obtain after dividing a number by 10.

    For example, if the first number in the distribution is 54, we get 5.4 on dividing it by 10. The integer portion 5 forms the stem of the number 54.

  • Leaf — It is the remainder you obtain when dividing a number by 10.

    Continuing the example with the number 54, when we divide it by 10, we get a remainder of 4, which forms the leaf.

For a given set of numbers, this stem-and-leaf plot calculator will help you generate and visualize the stem-and-leaf plot of the distribution, thereby showing the whole range of values efficiently.

How to use the stem-and-leaf plot generator

All you need to do is as follows:

  • Enter all integers that are present in the distribution in the consecutive fields.
  • The stem-and-leaf plot maker will calculate the stem and leaf for each number.
  • It will then display the final plot by combining all leaves that contain the same stem and show them in the same row.
  • So, in the final plot, you will be able to see all the unique stems for your dataset and the leaves corresponding to each of those stems.
  • Each leaf in the stemplot represents a specific number in the dataset.

Stem-and-leaf plot example

Suppose our distribution has the following five numbers: 25, 25, 13, 6, 9.

The stem-and-leaf plot maker will show the following output for this dataset:












  • The first row 0 | 6 9 denotes the numbers 06 (or simply 6) and 09 (or simply 9).
  • Similarly, the second row corresponds to the number 13.
  • The third row stands for the numbers 25 and 25.

We can see that the minimum and maximum values of this dataset are 6 and 25, respectively.

Thus, the stem-and-leaf display generated by our stem-and-leaf plot calculator will help you visualize the frequency distribution of the data and identify intervals with the maximum data points.

How do we calculate the median from a stem-and-leaf plot?

Median refers to the middle number in a dataset. Since the stem-and-leaf plot usually arranges the numbers in ascending order, all you need to do is find the centermost leaf from the stem-and-leaf display by counting from either side, attach it with its stem, and voilà! You'll have your median!

If there are two middle values, then we simply need to take the average of both the numbers!

So for the example in the last section, the median is 13 because there are two numbers either side of it.

What are some other metrics that we can calculate from the stem-and-leaf plot?

Using a stem-and-leaf display, we can find all the numbers in the dataset. Once we have them, here are some statistical measures that you can evaluate for that dataset:

*Dedicated tool to calculate metrics in brackets.


Can negative integers be displayed using the stem-and-leaf plot?

Yes! In the case of negative numbers, the stem will be negative, while the leaves will be positive (except when the stem is 0, in which case, the leaf itself would be negative). So, for instance, the number -23 will have the stem -2, and its leaf will be 3.

How do I read a stem-and-leaf plot?

To interpret the stem-and-leaf plot, combine the stem with each of its leaves in every row. This will give the list of the numbers that are present in the original dataset. For instance:
5 | 2 7 decodes into the numbers 52 and 57 by combining the stem 5 with each of the leaves 2 and 7.

Is there a limit to the number of integers that can be displayed using the stem-and-leaf plot?

No. Although there are no restrictions on the count of integers for displaying a stemplot, this particular stem-and-leaf plot generator can work only with a maximum of 50 values. It's worth noting that each of the integer values needs to be lesser than 10²¹.

Will duplicate values be displayed separately?

Yes! Each number in the dataset corresponds to a separate leaf, so if there is more than one instance of the same number, there will be as many leaves as necessary to show all the instances of a number.

Madhumathi Raman
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