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Our months between two dates calculator is perfect for finding the exact number of months between any two dates. This figure might be helpful to know if you get charged monthly for a service and are offered a pro-rata refund or for any calculations based on the number of months.

Continue reading to learn:

  • How a month is defined;
  • How to calculate the number of months between two dates; and
  • Example, step-by-step calculations.

What is a month?

Let's start by defining what a month is. In ancient times, it was the period between new moons. The word "month" has its root in "moon". Since then, we have adopted artificial calendars that have a different number of days in each month – thanks, Julius Caesar 🏛

Today we also have leap years to consider, so it is best to define an average month using seconds, like this:

60 secs × 60 mins × 24 hours × 365.25 days / 12 months = 2,629,800 secs

Then by finding the number of seconds in a day:

60 secs × 60 mins × 24 hours = 86,400 secs

...we can multiply this number by the number of days between two dates and divide the result by the number of seconds in a month.

Example of calculating the number of months between dates

Let's say we want to calculate the number of months from Jan 1, 2022, to Jun 29, 2022 (not including the end day). Counting the days, we find a period of 179 days between these dates. First, we convert this value from days to seconds:

86,400 secs/day × 179 days = 15,465,600 secs

Next we divide this result by the number of seconds in the average month:

15,465,600 secs / 2,629,800 secs = 5.88 months

So the answer is that 5.88 average months have passed between Jan 1, 2022, and Jun 29, 2022.

How to use the months between two dates calculator to find the number of months between two dates

The months between two dates calculator is really easy to use. Start by entering a start date in the calculator's "From" field. Then input your end date in the "To" field. The calculator will instantly show the period between these two dates in months. As a bonus, you can also change the output to other time units, such as days, weeks, etc.

By default, the months between two dates calculator doesn't include the end date. If you would like to include it, click on the Advanced mode button at the bottom of the calculator and select "Yes" to the "Include end date?" field that appears.

💡 You either enter dates into the calculator by using the calendar widget or by typing in the date in one of these formats:

  • Jan 25, 2022
  • 25 Jan 2022
  • 1 25 2022

Other time counter calculators

Here are some other time counting calculators that may interest you in the very near future:


How many days in 4 months?

There are 121.75 days in the average 4-month period. Let's go through the math:

  1. Calculate the average number of seconds in a year and divide by 3 to get the number of seconds in an average 4-month period:

    60 secs × 60 mins × 24 hours × 365.25 days / 3 = 10,519,200 secs

  2. Find the number of seconds in a day:

    60 secs × 60 mins × 24 hours = 86,400 secs

  3. Divide the result from Step 1 by Step 2 to calculate the number of days in 4 months:

    10,519,200 / 86,400 = 121.75 days

How many weeks does a month have?

There are 4.348 weeks in an average month. Let's see how this answer is calculated:

  1. Calculate the number of seconds in an average year and divide by 12 to get the number of seconds in an average month:

    60 secs × 60 mins × 24 hours × 365.25 days / 12 = 2,629,800 secs

  2. Compute the number of seconds in a week:

    60 secs × 60 mins × 24 hours × 7 days = 604,800 secs

  3. Divide the result from Step 1 by Step 2 to calculate how many weeks in the average month:

    2,629,800 / 604,800 = 4.348 weeks

Steven Wooding
Months between
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