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Time Between Dates Calculator

Created by Rijk de Wet
Reviewed by Steven Wooding
Last updated: Feb 14, 2025

The time between dates calculator helps you calculate the time between two dates! You can get your answer in any unit (seconds, years, and anything in-between) — and if you want, you can even exclude weekends in the calculation. Read on to learn how to calculate the time between dates.

How to use the time between dates calculator

The time between dates calculator is easy to use and will calculate the time between two dates in a flash — just follow these easy steps:

  1. Enter your starting date in the From field. A handy date-picking widget will pop up, but you can also enter it in various text formats.
  2. Enter your end date in the To field.
  3. Find the time between your two dates calculated and displayed in the Time between field. You can even change the unit from the default of days to anything between seconds and years.
  4. Alternatively, the time between dates calculator can work out the end date a certain amount of time from a starting date by filling in the From and Time between fields.

You can also use the calculator to:

  • Choose to include the end date (it's excluded by default);
  • Include or exclude weekends (and only count working days); or
  • Include or exclude certain days of the week entirely.

How to calculate the time between dates

Knowing how to calculate the time between dates is an excellent skill in many everyday activities. But computing the time between dates can be easier said than done, especially if the dates are far apart.

  1. If the dates are in the same month of the same year, then just subtract the day numbers (e.g., February 12 to February 19 is 19 − 12 = 7 days).
  2. If there are multiple months or even years between the dates, then you'd need to add multiples of 30, 31, and 365 (for the additional months and years) to the number of days. There's no one equation for this — you'll have to work it out yourself!

A general formula is to calculate the following and then add them together:

  1. The number of days between the starting date and the end of that date's month;
  2. The number of days between the end date and the start of that date's month; and
  3. The number of months and years between the months of the two dates in question converted to days.

🙋 Remember to keep leap years in mind! Leap years have 366 days, and the month of February has 29 days instead of the usual 28.

If you want to work out the number of seconds, minutes, or hours between dates, you'd need to multiply the number of days you've found between your dates with the right factor:

  • There are 24 hours in a day;
  • 24 × 60 = 1,440 minutes in a day; and
  • 24 × 60 × 60 = 86,400 seconds in a day.

Conversely, if you want to convert the time between two dates from days to weeks, months, or years, then you need to divide:

  • There are 7 days in a week;
  • 31 days in a month (generally — sometimes it's 28 or 30, or even 29 if it's February in a leap year); and
  • 365 days in a year (generally — leap years have 366).

If the time between dates calculator didn't satisfy your needs, perhaps you'd be interested in our other time-counting calculators, such as:


How much time is there between New Year's and Christmas?

There are 358 days between January 1 and December 25. That number doesn't include Christmas Day — it'll be 359 days if you include the 25th. Conversely, there are 7 days between Christmas Day and New Year's Day.

How much time is there between full moons?

There are roughly 29.5 days between full moons and between any two consecutive repeated moon phases. There are usually twelve full moons in a year — but if the calendar and the lunar phases line up perfectly, we can have a thirteenth full moon in one year. This extra full moon is called a blue moon, hence the expression "once in a blue moon" meaning "very rarely".

Rijk de Wet
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