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DART Rate Calculator


The DART rate calculator computes the rate of injuries that lead to time off for recovery in your company.

Follow our article to find out details on OSHA DART definition, DART safety formula, and the complete instructions for our DART rate calculator online. ⚙️

What is the DART rate?

DART stands for The Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred. It informs us about the incidence of events that resulted in days off work. DART injury rate doesn't update us on the specific number of days lost.

DART is one of the OSHA incident rate measurements. They also include TRIR/TRIF - Total Recordable Incident Rate.

What is OSHA? 🛠️

OSHA stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration - a part of the United States Department of Labor. OSHA was created in 1970 to ensure safe and healthy work conditions all across the United States of America.

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Why is the DART rate so important?

Failing to obey OSHA and DART standards would not only mean your enterprise having a lousy press, possible loss of contracts, and terminated cooperations. A high DART rate may also bring some specific consequences: initiating an OSHA inspection that will look into your training program, workplace safety, and implemented measures and solutions.

What can you do to lower your DART rate? 🔗

It's all about consistency; regular safety meetings, in-depth accidents investigation, routine health check-ups of your employees. Ensure that everyone in your company is well trained and equipped for their tasks and that everyone works under appropriate supervision.

Another task that awaits all companies is well-managed return to work program. This solution allows you to decrease the DART days and improve your employees' satisfaction.

How to use the DART rate calculator?

The definitions presented below will help you fill all the fields correctly.

  • Total DART incidents

    The Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred (DART) - all cases of restricted work, transfer of duties, days away from work. (All the workdays lost.)

  • Total hours worked

    All the hours worked by all the employees in your company. Do not include vacation, sick leaves, or holidays. Try to include all the hours eligible - lowering this number makes your DART rate go up. Choose the unit that best suits your needs.

Your results will notify you not only about the DART rate but also about its meaning. We distinguish three different DART rate levels:

  • 💚 0-1.875, Low
  • 🔶 1.875-4.125, Moderate
  • 🔺 >4.125, High

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How to calculate the DART rate?

Calculating the OSHA DART rate is extremely easy; follow the equation and instructions presented below:

DART rate = (Total number of DARTs * 200,000) / Total hours worked,


  • DART rate is the number of DARTs times 200,000 per working hour;
  • Total number of DARTs, per year; and
  • Total hours worked by all your employees,per year.

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