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TRIR Calculator


Our TRIR calculator is the quickest tool to compute the OSHA total recordable incident rate - along with its easy assessment.

Follow the article below to find the full list of OSHA recordable injuries, as well as simple definitions of TRIR and OSHA.
We also decided to include a short incidence calculation guide and the TRIR formula example. 🚑

What is TRIR/TRIF?

TRIR stands for the total recordable incident rate - the number of work-related injuries of all your employees, compared to the number of total hours worked by all your hired hands. It is sometimes called TRIF (Total Recordable Incident Frequency).

Why is it important? 🚦

OSHA uses the TRIR and DART rates to compare different companies in terms of their work safety and implemented protection measures. High rates of TRIR and DART may decide whether the OSHA will inspect your enterprise and possibly suffer all the legal consequences of improper safety management.

We may use TRIR safety for assessing your company's performance in the past - it does not predict the future.

Looking for ways to improve your workplace safety? Try our factor of safety calculator.

How to use the TRIR calculator?

OSHA recordable incident rate can be a tricky subject to calculate; follow our advice for the fuller picture of your TRIR level.

  1. Estimate the number of hours worked during the past 12 months

    • Employees who don't work per hour should be counted per estimated schedule or per regular workday (8 hours/day).

    • As for the days away - you should begin counting them on the day after the injury occurred or the illness began.

  2. Find the number of recordable injuries

    Follow the detailed list in the section below.

  3. Your TRIR calculator result is here - but what does it mean?

    Our incidence rate calculator displays a simple explanation of your outcome:

    💚 Low TRIR rate: <3

    🔶 Moderate TRIR rate: 3-8

    🔺 High TRIR rate: >8

List of recordable incidents

Not all accidents are recordable and included in the OSHA incident rate; in this section, we'll explain what kind of events you must include when using our OSHA TRIR calculator.

  1. Medical treatment beyond first aid

    First aid is defined as:

    • Cleaning wounds at the surface of the skin
    • Wound covering such as gauze or bandage (not sutures or staples!)
    • Hot or cold therapy
    • Tetanus immunization
    • Using over-the-counter drugs
    • Drilling a toenail to relieve pressure
    • Removing foreign bodies with the use of simple materials
    • Temporary immobilizers
    • Massage
  2. A significant injury or illness diagnosed by a medical professional.

    We can enumerate the following significant injuries:

    • Cancer
    • Chronic irreversible disease
    • Fractured or cracked bone
    • Punctured eardrum
  3. Days away from work

    Count all the calendar days. If the employee's absent for an extended period, write an estimate of the days lost.

💡 The days away must be recorded even when the employee doesn't follow the physicians recommendation and still comes to work!

  1. Restricted work or transfer to another job

    You must report it if you keep your employee from performing specific duties, or he/she has limited time off work (compared to that before the accident).

  2. Loss of consciousness

    You must report loss of consciousness, no matter how long it lasted.

  3. Death

    You need to report an employee's death to OSHA within 8 hours from the fatal accident.

For more information, check out the OSHA's general recording criteria. 🔅

Since you've already got everything calculated, try our other business tools:

How to calculate the TRIR?

Our accident calculator uses the following incidence rate formula:

TRIR = (Number of recordable injuries × 200000) / Hours worked

For example, if all your employees during last year worked for a total number of hours equal to 2,000,000, and your number of recordable injuries is 2:

TRIR = (2 × 200000) / 2000000 = 400000 / 2000000 = 0.2

0.2 makes a low TRIR rate. 💚

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