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Use our days until Valentine's Day calculator to find the number of days between any date and Valentine's Day. In this short article, you'll learn:

  • What is Valentine's Day, and what is the origin of the celebration;
  • How to calculate how many days until Valentine's Day;
  • How to use our tool to create a Valentine's Day countdown;

and more!

What is Valentine's Day?

Valentine's Day is the day of the year people worldwide celebrate love and, in general, the people they care for.

The celebration started in the past as a remembrance of the martyrdom of two Christian Saints named Valentin. With time, the celebration shifted toward romance (and not only): in the 14th century, poets were writing and referring to their loved ones a"Valentine".

The diffusion of printing and increased access to postal and other services marked the diffusion of the celebration to the masses. Cards dedicated to "Valentines" spread, and in the 20th century, chocolate made its appearance.

Valentine's Day has become almost a business lately, but nothing stops you from celebrating in simple ways!

How to calculate the days until Valentine's day

Valentine's Day falls every year on the 14th February: the final date in our Valentine's Day countdown is fixed! To calculate the days until Valentine's Day, choose a starting date and follow these easy steps:

  1. If the starting date is in February, before Valentine's Day, subtract the day number of the day after from 14, and you'll get the number of whole days in your Valentine's Day countdown.
  2. If not, start by counting the days in the starting month: subtract the duration of the month and the day number of the day after the starting date.
  3. Add to this number 14, the number of days of the final month.
  4. Add the duration of the whole months between the final date and February. Notice that if your starting date is before the end of February, you must check if the year is leap.
  5. Sum these results: you calculate the days until Valentine's Day!

An example of calculating Valentine's Day countdown

You have an idea for a Valentine's Day countdown: a bar of chocolate for every day starting from the 6th January: how many chocolates you'll need?

  1. Notice that there are no whole months between your starting and final dates.
  2. Find the number of days in January: there are 31 days in that month, and we start counting them from the 7th: 31 - 7 =24.
  3. Sum the result of step 2. to 14, the day number of Valentine's Day: your countdown will run for 14 + 24 38 days.

More than Valentine's Day: countdowns for other seasonal celebrations

If Valentine's Day has passed, you may want to try our other tools to calculate countdowns for other celebrations and yearly events. Try our:


How do I calculate the days until Valentine's Day?

To calculate how many days until Valentine's Day, follow these easy steps:

  1. If both dates are in February, and you'd start before Valentine's Day, subtract the day after the starting date from 14.
  2. If not, find the number of days in the starting month (subtract the day after the starting date from the month's duration).
  3. Sum the result to 14 (the number of days in February till Valentine's).
  4. Add the duration of each entire month between the two dates.

You are done!

How many days are between Christmas and Valentine's Day?

There are 50 days between Christmas and Valentine's Day. To find the result:

  1. Find the days in December, starting from the 26th: 31 - 26 = 5/
  2. Find the days in February: 14.
  3. Add the number of days in the months between the two dates. In our case, it's only January with 31.
  4. Sum all these contributions to calculate the days until Valentine's Day: 5 + 14 + 31 = 50 days.
Davide Borchia
363 days,
6 hours,
40 minutes,
40 seconds
until Valentine's Day! 💘
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