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Forward Converter Calculator


Omni Calculator's forward converter calculator helps you find the output voltage and ripple current of your forward converter circuit.

Keep with us in this article to explore:

  • What is a forward converter​?

  • Forward converter design​ and the forward converter circuit.

  • Flyback vs. forward converter​.

  • What are the applications of a forward converter?

  • Can a forward converter boost voltage?

  • What are the advantages of a single-switch converter?

  • How do you calculate the windings ratio for a forward converter?

With our forward converter calculator, you can choose freely whether to step up or down your voltage.

What is a forward converter​? The forward converter design​

A forward converter is another example of a DC/DC converter that uses a transform to step up or down an output voltage. Like a flyback converter, the forward converter comprises two galvanically isolated electronic circuits.

A circuit is sad to be galvanically isolated if a transformer is added to the converter, providing electrical isolation between the input and output circuits. This design transfers energy between the two sides of the converter despite no direct current flowing between these circuits. The forward converter transformer​ has an ungapped core, and it transfers energy directly from the input to the output circuit during the switch-on period.

We can see in the diagram below a standard example of a forward converter where:

  • Q1Q_1 — Switching transistor, typically a MOSFET;
  • CinC_\mathrm{in} and CoutC_\mathrm{out} — Capacitors on the input and output circuits, respectively;
  • NpN_p and NsN_s — Primary and secondary windings of a transformer​;
  • D1D_1, D2D_2, and D3D_3 — Diodes for a proper current flow;
  • L1L_1 — Inductor to control the output current and reduce the ripple in the output voltage;
  • NdN_d — Reset winding to make sure that the transformer's magnetic core is reset during the switch-off period;
  • VinV_\mathrm{in} and VoutV_\mathrm{out} — Input and the output voltages; and
  • IrippleI_\mathrm{ripple} — Ripple current to the output inductor L1L_1.
Circuit diagram for a standard forward converter, with two capacitors, one switching transistor, three diodes, one inductor, and one transformer.
Circuit diagram for a standard forward converter, with two capacitors, one switching transistor, three diodes, one inductor, and one transformer.

Moreover, in our forward converter calculator, we will consider a relation 1:11:1 between NdN_d and NpN_p. This is often used to simplify the forward converter design and improve efficiency.

🙋 You can learn more about MOSFET and flyback converter by accessing our dedicated tools: MOSFET calculator and flyback converter calculator.

Forward converter circuit, windings ratio, ripple current, and more

Now that we know about the forward converter design​, we can approach the equations behind it. The key parameters that we can compute are the output voltage and the ripple current.

The output voltage can be computed using the following equations:

Vout=DNVin\footnotesize \begin{split} V_\mathrm{out} = \frac{D}{N} \cdot V_\mathrm{in}\\[.5em] \end{split}
N=NpNs\footnotesize N = \frac{N_p}{N_s}


  • VinV_{\mathrm{in}} — Input voltage;
  • VoutV_{\mathrm{out}} — Output voltage;
  • DD — Duty cycle;
  • NpN_p — Primary winding;
  • NsN_s — Secondary winding; and
  • NN — Windings ratio.

🙋 You can learn more about the duty cycle by checking the boost converter calculator and buck converter calculator.

Moreover, we can use the duty cycle and the windings ratio to find the ripple current over the L1L_1 inductor. The ripple current is determined through the formula:

Iripple=D(1D)NLfsVin\footnotesize I_\mathrm{ripple} = \frac{D \cdot \left(1-D\right)}{N \cdot L \cdot f_s}\cdot V_{\mathrm{in}}


  • LL — Inductance of L1L_1; and
  • fsf_s — Switching frequency.

We know that it was a lot to understand. However, our forward converter calculator is here to make all the hard work for you instantaneously.

Flyback vs. forward converter​

The flyback and forward converters are variations of a DC/DC converter. They have some similarities, like the possibility to set up or step down an output voltage and the fact that they are galvanically isolated. However, their main differences are the process of energy transfer, the sizes of the transformers, and the frequencies of operation.

The flyback converter stores energy in the magnetic core of the transformer during the "on" period of the switch and releases it in the "off" period. As we saw, the forward converter transfers energy directly from the input to the output circuit during the "on" period of the switch. The forward converter transformer​ is larger and works at higher power than the flyback converter.

Moreover, the flyback converter is efficient at lower to moderate switching frequencies, while the forward converter operates better at higher frequencies.

Forward converter calculator: an example

In this example, we will show how easy and intuitive using our calculator is. Thus, let us consider the following set of parameters for our forward converter:

  • Vin=15VV_{\mathrm{in}} = 15\, \mathrm{V};
  • D=30%D = 30\%;
  • Np=20N_p = 20;
  • Ns=40N_s = 40;
  • fs=150kHzf_s = 150\,\mathrm{kHz}; and
  • L=180μHL = 180\,\mu\mathrm{H}.

By substituting them in our tool, we can determine the respective values for the output voltage and the ripple current: Vout=9VV_{\mathrm{out}} = 9\, \mathrm{V}, and Iripple=233.33mAI_{\mathrm{ripple}} = 233.33\,\mathrm{mA}.

You should always remember that our calculator works backward and forward. Thus, you can use the output voltage and the ripple current to determine other parameters, such as the duty cycle or the input voltage.


What are the applications of a forward converter?

The forward converter can be applied in different areas, especially where galvanic isolation is necessary. Among these various areas, we can highlight applications in telecommunications equipment, robotics, sensors, battery chargers, computer servers and power supplies, electronic control units, and automotive sensors.

Can a forward converter boost voltage?

Yes, as a DC/DC converter, a forward converter can work as a boost converter, stepping up the output voltage of your electronic circuit. However, a forward converter can also step down the output voltage. The final value of the Vout depends on the relation between the duty cycle (D) and the windings ratio (N). Basically, for D > N, we have Vout > V in, and for D < N we find Vout < Vin.

What are the advantages of a single switch converter?

A single switch converter, such as a forward or a flyback converter, is an electronic circuit using only one transistor as a switch, typically a MOSFET. This design offers the following advantages:

  • Simple design;
  • Low cost;
  • Compact size;
  • High efficiency for low to medium power applications; and
  • Isolation capability.

How do you calculate the windings ratio for a forward converter?

You can compute the windings ratio for a forward converter by following the steps below:

  1. Take the duty cycle: D.

  2. Take the input and the output voltages: Vout and Vin.

  3. Use the formula to find the windings ratio N:

    N = Vin/Vout ⋅ D

  4. You can also compute the windings ratio using the primary and secondary windings:

    N = Np/Ns


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