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João Rafael Lucio dos Santos

João Rafael Lucio dos Santos

PhD, Federal University of Campina GrandeCalculatorian

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Joao is a physicist, researcher, and professor in Brazil. He earned his Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Rochester, NY in 2013. He has written several papers in international journals, mainly in field theory and cosmology. Joao is also a researcher and the outreach leader for the BINGO telescope. This state-of-the-art radio telescope will be operating in the Northeast of Brazil in a few years. He believes in the importance of spreading knowledge and high-quality information among society and the public in general. He also believes that people can enjoy the learning process if it is funny and if they can see it as a path to change their life, even in daily activities. In his free time, he enjoys running, playing tennis, cooking, traveling, and having pleasant moments with his relatives and friends.

Areas of expertise

  • Physics

  • Mathematics

  • Field theory

  • Gravity

  • Cosmology


  • Phd in PhysicsUniversity of Rochester, NY, and Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil

  • State University of São Paulo, BrazilMaster’s degree in Physics

  • State University of São Paulo, BrazilBachelor’s degree in Physics

Professional background and credentials

João has been working with physics since 2003. He has always been interested in studying the Cosmos and loves observing the night sky. Along with his undergraduate studies, João has studied the interface between classical and quantum theory and how some symmetry properties can be responsible for a system having real quantum energy levels. During his master's, he worked with classical chaos theory applied to field theory, trying to map different types of solutions of field equations using a method called Poincaré sections. In his PhD, João developed a new method to find analytic classical field models. He also worked with quantum field theory on flat and curved spacetimes, with field theory at finite temperatures, and with gravitational models. Since 2014, he has worked as a professor of physics and researcher in Brazil. He is also a member of an international collaboration to construct and operate the BINGO telescope, the largest radio telescope ever built in Brazil. At Omni, he aims to make calculators and scientific subjects accessible to the general public. He also aims to contribute to developing new tools with his background and expertise. João believes people need to see science as part of their daily activities.


João is a research fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, Brazil). He has also been a referee for thirteen international journals and has received several scholarships during his academic career. In the last few years, he has started working with scientific outreach activities, presenting astronomy, physics, cosmology, and science subjects in schools, scientific fairs, and congresses. He has also organized fifteen scientific events so far and is a member of the Brazilian Society of Physics.


  • Graduation with honors for the Bachelor’s degree in physics, State University of São Paulo


  • Web of Science

  • Inspire HEP

  • Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

  • Dos Santos MV, Landim RG, Hoerning GA, Abdalla FB, Queiroz A, Abdalla E, Wuensche CA, Wang B, Barosi L, Villela T, Marins A, Feng C, Gurjão E, Novaes CP, Santos LCO, Santos JRL, Zhang J, Liccardo V, Zhang X, Sang Y. The BINGO Project IX. Search for fast radio bursts – A forecast for the BINGO interferometry system; Astronomy & Astrophysics; Jan 2024

  • Shaily, Singh JK, Santos JRL, Zeyauddin M. Dynamical analysis of a hyperbolic solution in Scale-covariant theory; International Journal of Modern Physics; Apr 2024

  • De Farias KEL, Anacleto MA, Passos E, Brevik I, Mota H, Santos JRL. Aether-electromagnetic theory and the Casimir effect; Physical Review; May 2024

  • Singh JK, Shaily, Singh A, Balhara H, Santos JRL. The consequence of higher-order curvature-based constraints on gravity; Annals of Physics; Aug 2024

  • Singh JK, Shaily, Ram S, Santos JRL, Fortunato JAS. The constrained cosmological model in Lyra geometry; International Journal of Modern Physics; Apr 2023

  • Tayde M, Santos JRL, Araujo JN, Sahoo PK. Wormhole solutions in f(Q, T) gravity with a radial dependent B parameter; European Physical Journal Plus; May 2023

  • Santos JRL, Da Costa SS, Santos RS. Cosmological models for f(R, T); Physics of the Dark Universe; Oct 2023

  • Novaes CP, De Mericia EJ, Abdalla FB, Wuensche CA, Santos L, Delabrouille J, Remazeilles M, Liccardo V, Abdalla E, Barosi L, Queiroz A, Villela T, Wang B, Feng C, Landim R, Marins A, Santos JRL, Zhang J. Cosmological constraints from low redshift 21 cm intensity mapping with machine learning; Royal Astronomical Society Monthly Notices; Sep 2023

  • Wuensche CA, Villela T, Abdalla E, Santos JRL. The BINGO project. II. Instrument description; Astronomy & Astrophysics; Aug 2022

  • Anacleto MA, Bessa CHG, Brito FA, Mateus AE, Passos E, Santos JRL. LIV effects on the quantum stochastic motion in an acoustic FRW-geometry; European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields; Apr 2022

  • Hassan Z, Mustafa G, Santos JRL, Sahoo PK. Embedding procedure and wormhole solutions in f(Q) gravity; EPL; Jan 2022

  • Mandal S, Sahoo PK, Santos JRL. Reply to Comment on 'Energy conditions in gravity'; Physical Review; Aug 2022

  • Arora S, Santos JRL, Sahoo PK. Constraining gravity from energy conditions; Physics of the Dark Universe; Feb 2021

  • Brito FA, Losano L, Santos JRL. The extension method for Bloch branes; International Journal of Modern Physics; Nov 2021

  • Abdalla E, Ferreira EGM, Landim RG, Costa AA, Fornazier KSF, Abdalla FB, Barosi L, Brito FA, Queiroz AR, Villela T, Wang B, Wuensche CA, Marins A, Novaes CP, Liccardo V, Shan C, Zhang J, Zhan Z, Zhu Z, Santos JRL. The BINGO project I. Baryon acoustic oscillations from integrated neutral gas observations; Astronomy & Astrophysics; Oct 2021

  • Santos JRL, Moraes PHRS. Cosmology from a running vacuum model driven by a scalar field; International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics; Dec 2019

  • Bhattacharjee S, Santos JRL, Moraes PHRS, Sahoo PK. Inflation in f(R, T) gravity; European Physical Journal Plus; Jun 2020

  • Mandal S, Sahoo PK, Santos JRL. Energy conditions in $f(Q)$ gravity; Physical Review; Aug 2020

  • Anacleto MA, Brito FA, De Queiroz AR, Passos E, Santos JRL. Diffusive process under Lifshitz scaling and pandemic scenarios; Physica A Statistical Mechanics and its Applications; Dec 2020

  • Brito FA, Santos FF, Santos JRL. Harmonic oscillators from displacement operators and thermodynamics; Physica A Statistical Mechanics and its Applications; Feb 2019

  • Santos JRL, Dutra AS, Winter OC, Correa RAC. A general method for transforming nonphysical configurations in BPS states; Advances in High Energy Physics; Mar 2019

  • Santos JRL, Moraes PHRS, Ferreira DA, Neta DCV. Building analytical three-field cosmological models; European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields; Feb 2018

  • Passos E, Almeida CAG, Brito FA, Menezes R, Mota-Silva JC, Santos JRL. Soliton solutions in two-dimensional Lorentz-violating higher derivative scalar theory; Annals of Physics; Jul 2018

  • Santos JRL, Borges DSS, Moreira IO. New family of potentials with analytical twiston-like solutions; EPL; Aug 2018

  • Anacleto MA, Brito FA, Maciel E, Mohammadi A, Passos E, Santos WO, Santos JRL. Lorentz-violating dimension-five operator contribution to the black body radiation; Physics Letters; Aug 2018

  • Correa RAC, Moraes PHRS, Dutra AS, Santos JRL, De Paula W. Cosmological scenarios from multiquintessence; European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields; Jan 2018

  • Almeida CAG, Anacleto MA, Brito FA, Passos E, Santos JRL. Cosmology in the Universe with distance-dependent Lorentz-violating background; Advances in High Energy Physics; Dec 2017

  • Moraes PHRS, Santos JRL. A complete cosmological scenario from f(R, T^{phi}) gravity theory; Europeal Physical Journal; Jan 2016

  • Das AK, Panda S, Santos JRL. A path integral approach to the Langevin equation; International Journal of Modern Physics; Jan 2015

  • Moraes PHRS, Santos JRL. Two scalar field cosmology from coupled one-field models; Physical Review; Apr 2014

  • Bazeia D, González León MA, Losano L, Mateos Guilarte J, Santos JRL. Construction of new scalar field models from the standard theory; Physica Scripta; Feb 2013

  • Bazeia D, Losano L, Santos JRL. Kinklike structures in scalar field theories: From one-field to two-field models; Physics Letters A; Oct 2013

  • Arroyo Meza LE, Dutra AS, Santos JRL, Hott MB, Winter OC. Disclosing the generic behavior of topological solutions: An orbit-based approach; EPL; Apr 2012

  • Bazeia D, Losano L, Malbouisson JMC, Santos JRL. Multi-sine-Gordon models; European Physical Journal; Sep 2011

  • Dutra A de Souza, Dos Santos JR, Winter OC. Extended class of exact twistons and crystalline polyethylene; Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical; Jul 2010

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